TOFEL iBT Reading

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TOFEL iBT Reading by Mind Map: TOFEL iBT Reading

1. Overview

1.1. Types of Reading Passages

1.1.1. 解释说明

1.1.2. 立论

1.1.3. 历史题材

1.2. Structures of Reading Passages

1.2.1. 分类

1.2.2. 比较/对比

1.2.3. 原因结果

1.2.4. 问题/解决方法

2. 10 Types of Questions

2.1. 基础的信息推断问题

2.1.1. factual info according + mention

2.1.2. negative factual info not + except

2.1.3. inference suggest + infer + imply

2.1.4. rhetorical purpose why + in order to

2.1.5. vocabulary

2.1.6. reference refers to

2.1.7. sentence simplification

2.1.8. insert text

2.2. 阅读学习问题

2.2.1. prose summary

2.2.2. table-filling

3. Recognize

3.1. 分别对应以上十种

4. Tips

4.1. 分别讲述

5. High Score Strategies