A model of learning
by Tim Danes
1. Resources
1.1. People
1.1.1. Self
1.1.2. Others
1.2. Materials
1.2.1. Consumables
1.2.2. Non-consumables
1.3. Tools
1.3.1. Digital
1.3.2. Analogue
1.4. Spaces
1.4.1. Digital
1.4.2. Analogue
2. Communication
2.1. Type
2.1.1. Auditory
2.1.2. Non-verbal Written Physical
2.2. Format
2.2.1. Digital
2.2.2. Analogue
2.2.3. Combination of Digital and Analogue
3. Creation
3.1. Physical
3.2. Psychological
3.2.1. Imagination
4. Time
4.1. Phases
4.1.1. Past
4.1.2. Present
4.1.3. Future
4.2. Elements
4.2.1. Practice/Repetition
4.2.2. Change
4.2.3. Reflection
4.2.4. Ambition
5. Stimulant
5.1. Physical
5.1.1. Visual
5.1.2. Auditory
5.1.3. Touch
5.1.4. Taste
5.1.5. Smell
5.2. Psychological
5.2.1. Fun
5.2.2. Freedom
5.2.3. Love
5.2.4. Belonging
5.2.5. Survival
6. Constraint categories
6.1. Stimulant
6.2. Communication
6.3. Resources
6.4. Creation
6.5. Time
6.6. To be allocated
6.6.1. use it or lose it syndrome
6.6.2. as soon as you have mastered something, it changes
6.6.3. time
6.6.4. tech doesn't work
6.6.5. availability, we need more IWB's at the NCCC
6.6.6. lack of expertise
6.6.7. no interest