TEDGlobal 2012 Idea Donation Center TWEET to #myTEDidea

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TEDGlobal 2012 Idea Donation Center TWEET to #myTEDidea por Mind Map: TEDGlobal 2012 Idea Donation Center TWEET to #myTEDidea

1. @GladysQuirine

1.1. /w Twitter is easier to connect with the entire world, as you will be more tempted to follow people that you do not know yet.. #mytedidea

1.1.1. Facebook only connects people who know each other

2. @FloorMontanus

2.1. #mytedidea an independent caleidoscopic newsshow with all newschannels to quarantee multiple angle flow of information

3. @GittavanderMeer

3.1. #mytedidea job search engine/platform % matching profiles based on skills, characteristics, interests - not only function/education/location

4. What

4.1. Donate your best ideas worth spreading

4.1.1. via Twitter #MyTEDidea

4.1.2. or at the booth of the Idea Donation Center in at #debalie in Amsterdam

4.2. #myTEDxIdea

4.2.1. e.g. "Apple could buy Greece. And than produce olive oil. Extremely awesome olive oil." - Pieter Derks #TEDxAmsLive

4.2.2. blogpost about #TEDxAmsterdamLive (TEDGlobal 2012 simulcast)

4.2.3. the TEDx blogpost; Radical Openness in 55 countries, TEDxlive around the world...

4.2.4. read more about WHY and what we did at TEDxBinnenhof

4.2.5. @worldofminds made a little visualmapping crash course for us

5. @stastra

5.1. If we want to increase Our quality of éducation in #netherlands , let's watch how #Finland does It #tedglobal #tedxamslive #mytedidea

5.1.1. who can share some research?

6. @biomimicrynl

6.1. T see a great link between Layar - Claire Boonstra and biomimicry to help kids learn better #mytedidea

7. @hypershifters

7.1. #mytedidea :Lets innovate /w the speed of sound & radically & openly share our ideas SO copying is NO use #TEDglobal #TEDamslive #TEDxlive

8. @The2012Hello

8.1. #mytedidea What if you could connect with people everywhere you go? http://t.co/FdqiQIDU SHARE THIS! It's coming soon! :-)

9. @evanderkoogh

9.1. "The only way we could solve this problem is by solving 3 others and offer opportunities for 2 others" Life is not a zerosum game #mytedidea

10. @laurineverweyen

10.1. How about a don't-mail-me-register? An online tool to unsubscribe to all the newsletters you once subscribed to #mytedxidea

11. @TEDNews

11.1. Do you havea great idea? While watching #TEDGlobal Share it with #mytedidea your idea will be mindmapped and shared globally!

11.2. @odeleeuw: WHOA @jerrelubberts @worldofminds @hypershifters your idea of #myTEDidea just got picked up by @TEDNews @TEDx. Congrats #TEDxAmsLive team!

12. @Tech_Stories

12.1. #myTEDidea Finding ways to test students for how much they enjoyed subject/class...instead of testing for how much they remembered about it

13. @AmyMKing

13.1. I would love to host a TED on sustainability - the triple bottom line: PPP: People Planet Profit #mytedidea

14. where is your #myTEDidea?

15. @josselubberts

15.1. #TEDGlobal it's all about ideas worth spreading => wisdom of the crowds. So Share your ideas with all #TEDsters @ #myTEDidea !

16. @rosadinnissen (Dutch)

16.1. In @DeBalie #TEDxAmsLive Probleem van het klimaat debat is dat het een debat tussen doven is omdat men enkel uitgaat van de eigen perceptie #myTEDxIdea

16.2. @rosadinnissen Dus eerst inzicht in de verschillen van inzicht ? #tedxamslive #tedxams #myTEDxIdea

16.3. @JerreLubberts inderdaad. Erkennen van de verschillen en ze vervolgens omarmen om tot een constructieve dialoog te komen #TEDxAmsLive

16.4. @rosadinnissen Dus als ik je goed begrijp: eerst proberen te begrijpen voor jezelf begrepen wilt worden ? #TEDxAms #TEDxAmslive

16.5. @JerreLubberts inderdaad. Erkennen van de verschillen en ze vervolgens omarmen om tot een constructieve dialoog te komen #TEDxAmsLive

16.6. @rosadinnissen .....en misschien ook je EGO verkleinen en beseffen dat je meer kan ALS je denkt...? #TEDxAmslive TEDxAms

16.7. @JerreLubberts vooral ook de nuance aangeven en de beperkingen van je eigen visie. Maakt je positie bovedien geloofwaardiger #TEDxAmsLive

16.8. “@JerreLubberts: .....en misschien ook je EGO verkleinen en beseffen dat je meer kan ALS je denkt...? #TEDxAmslive TEDxAms” #zoishet #myTEDxIdea

17. @AmyMKIng

17.1. What if we rewarded open source contributions of scientists for global resiliency? How to do? #mytedidea #climatechange

18. no inspiration?

18.1. Drop by at the Idea Donation Booth @ #debalie W'll help to develop and challenge your idea!

19. @MaartenFijnaut

19.1. #Mytedidea more people should use this... And come here ;-)