Language Unit - Project

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Language Unit - Project by Mind Map: Language Unit - Project

1. Write a 3-4 research paper on your groups' topic

2. Interview and voice/video record a Spanish-speaking friend or family member

3. Create a PowerPoint of the main ideas

4. Make a detailed illustration

5. Thomas

6. Lucy

7. Herbert

8. Sarah

9. Kyle

10. Sean

11. Derek

12. Topic:

13. Topic:

14. Stephen

15. Sarah

16. David

17. Kyle

18. Ramir

19. Shannon

20. Maria

21. Richard

22. Sara

23. Topic:

24. Topic:

25. Possible Topics provided by Student Discussion:

25.1. Facial Expressions & Body Language: ASL vs. Spoken languages

25.2. Analyze & present functions of language: communication, vocation, academics, .....

25.3. Spanish Dialects: compare/contrast Castilian & standard Spanish

25.4. Spanish Dialects: compare/contrast Argentinian & Peruvian Spanish

25.5. Spanish Dialects: compare/contrast Mexico City and Guadalajara accent generalizations