Aviation Legislation

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Aviation Legislation by Mind Map: Aviation Legislation

1. Degree of Liberalization

1.1. Unilateral

1.2. Bilateral

1.3. Multilateral

1.4. Progressive

1.5. ICAO Consensus on Liberalization

2. Conventions

2.1. Paris Convention

2.2. Chicago Convention

2.3. Rome Convention

2.4. Warsaw Convention

2.5. Tokyo Convention

2.6. Hague Convention

2.7. Annexes

2.7.1. Personal Licensing

2.7.2. Rules of the Air

2.7.3. Meteorological Service

2.7.4. Aeronautical Charts

2.7.5. Operational Units of Measurement

2.7.6. Operation of Aircraft

2.7.7. Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks

2.7.8. Airworthiness

2.7.9. Facilitation

2.7.10. Aeronautical Telecommunications

2.7.11. Air Traffic Services

2.7.12. Search and Rescue

2.7.13. Accident and Incident Investigation

2.7.14. Aerodromes

2.7.15. Information Services

2.7.16. Environmental Protection

2.7.17. Security

2.7.18. Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

2.7.19. Safety Management

3. Main Organizations in Aviation

3.1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

3.1.1. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA)

3.1.2. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

3.1.3. Commissions and Committees Air Navigation Commission Air Transport Committee Legal Committee Committee on Joint Support of Air Navigation Services Personnel Committee Finance Committee Committee on Unlawful Interference

3.2. International Air Transportation Association (IATA)

3.3. Association of Asia-Pacific Airlines (AAPA)

3.3.1. Airline Services Committee (ASC)

3.3.2. Aviation Policy Committee (APC)

3.3.3. Security Committee (SC)

3.3.4. Technical Committee (TC)

4. Organizations in Aviation in the Philippines

4.1. Department of Transportation

4.2. Civil Aeronautics Board

4.3. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines

5. Air Traffic Rights: Five Freedoms of the Air

5.1. First Freedom of the Air

5.2. Second Freedom of the Air

5.3. Third Freedom of the Air

5.4. Fourth Freedom of the Air

5.5. Fifth Freedom of the Air