Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculm Content

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Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculm Content por Mind Map: Applying Theoretical Perspective to Curriculm Content

1. Behaviorist

1.1. The role of nurture responese and reinforces what occurs in the environment.

1.2. Learning occurs due to associations established between stimuli, responses, and events that occur after the responses behavior theorist is B. Skinner (1957)

2. Interactionist

2.1. contends that children acquire their language through attempting to communicate with the world around them by learning how to talk. It contributes to the understanding of the ways in which children acquire pragmatic language knowledge by adapting to different social and cultural contexts.

2.2. The interactionist approach builds on behaviorism's recognition of the environment's responses to young children's communicative attempts theorist is J. Brunet (1978), M. Halliday (1975), and L. Vygotsky (1978)

3. Cognitive Developmentalist

3.1. Language is acquired as maturation occurs and congnitive competencies develop.

3.2. It also states that it is a prerequisite and foundation for learning language using the same learning mechanisms that the child use for other learning. Theorist is Jean Piaget (1955)

4. Nativist

4.1. Focuses on the acquisition of syntactic of knowledge. It also emphasizes inborn or innate of human capablities as being responsible for language acquisition.

4.2. It involves identifying grammatical aspects of language and describing the rule systems for using language. Theorist is Noam Chomsky (1975)