
name: Ebrahem Samir Ebrahem Hamza section: 1

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c++ by Mind Map: c++

1. Memory management

2. Assignment operators

2.1. =

2.2. +=

2.3. -=

2.4. *=

2.5. /=

2.6. %=

3. Applications

3.1. Application Games

3.2. GUI Based Application

3.2.1. Adobe Systems

3.2.2. Win Amp Media Player

3.3. Database Software

3.3.1. MYSQL Server

3.4. Operating Systems

3.4.1. Apple Os

3.4.2. Microsoft Windows OS

3.5. Browsers

3.5.1. Mozilla Firefox

3.5.2. Thunderbird

3.5.3. Google Applications

3.6. Banding Applications

3.6.1. Infosys Finacle

3.7. Advanced Computation And Graphics

3.7.1. Alias System

3.8. Cloud/Distributed System Bloomberg

3.9. Compilers

3.10. Embedded Systems

3.11. Enterprise Software

4. Features

4.1. Object Oriented

4.2. Simple

4.3. platforms Dependent

4.4. Mid-level Programming language

4.5. Structured Programming language

4.6. Powerful & Fast

5. Libraries

5.1. concepts

5.1.1. <concepts>

5.2. Coroutines

5.2.1. <coroutine>

5.3. Utilities

5.3.1. <cstdlib>

5.3.2. <csignal>

5.3.3. <csetjmp>

5.3.4. <cstdarg>

5.3.5. <typeinfo>

5.4. Dynamic memory management

5.4.1. <new>

5.4.2. <memory>

5.4.3. <scoped_allocator>

5.4.4. <memory_resource>

5.5. Strings library

5.5.1. Numeric limits <climits> <cfloat> <cstdint>

5.5.2. <cctype>

5.5.3. <cwchar>

5.5.4. <string>

5.5.5. <format>

5.6. Input/Output library

5.6.1. <ios>

5.6.2. <iostream>

5.6.3. <cstdio>

5.6.4. <iomanip>

6. Editors

6.1. Visual Studio code

6.2. Code Blocks

6.3. Eclipse

6.4. CodeLite

6.5. Sublime Text

6.6. Dev c++

7. Data types

7.1. Int

7.2. Float

7.3. String

7.4. Char

7.5. Long

7.6. Small

8. operators

8.1. Arithmetic Operators

8.1.1. Addition(+)

8.1.2. Subtraction(-)

8.1.3. Multiplication(*)

8.1.4. Division(/)

8.1.5. mod(%)

8.2. Relational Operators

8.2.1. ==

8.2.2. !=

8.2.3. >

8.2.4. <

8.2.5. >=

8.2.6. <=

8.3. Logical Operators

8.3.1. AND(&&)

8.3.2. Or(||)

8.3.3. NOT(!)