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CAPS Marketing by Mind Map: CAPS Marketing

1. 1. Technology

1.1. Infinite Computing/Cloud Computing

1.2. Digital Fabrication/3D Printing/Maker

1.3. Platform Irrelevant/Cross-Platform

1.4. Mobile Computing

1.5. Ambient Intelligence/"Smart" Things

1.6. Clean Technology/Energy

1.7. Voice Recognition/Multi-Touch/Gestures

1.8. Exponential Technologies/Singularity University

1.9. Science Fiction/Speculative Futures

2. 4. Social

2.1. Grand Challenges

2.1.1. Climate Change

2.1.2. Urbanization

2.1.3. Infrastructure Boom

2.1.4. Quality of Life Issues

2.2. Technology/Innovation/Jobs/Economy

2.2.1. Jobless Recovery

2.2.2. Work Going From Humans to Technology

2.3. Digital Natives

2.4. Education

2.4.1. Non-Tradional Education

2.4.2. Old "A" versus New "A"

2.4.3. Abstract vs. Project-Based

3. Visualization/Simulation/Analysis

4. 2. Design

4.1. Design Thinking

4.2. Scan/Modify/Print

4.3. Whole System/Holistic Design

4.4. Leading the Customer/Vs. Following

4.5. Biomimicry

4.6. Experience Design

4.7. Desirability/Feasibility/Viability

4.8. Computational Design

5. 3. Business

5.1. Innovation

5.1.1. vs. Invention

5.1.2. Breakthrough vs. Sustaining

5.1.3. Open Innovation

5.1.4. Innovation Continuum

5.1.5. An Individual, Not a Corporate Phenomenon

5.2. Emerging Markets

5.2.1. Bottom of the Pyramid

5.3. Bionanotechnology

5.4. Future of Work

5.5. From Ownership to Access

5.6. Business Unusual

5.7. Social Media