Jenell, Joan, Bellenium, Li Tian, Zoe's mindmap: Social conditions in Nazi Germany

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Jenell, Joan, Bellenium, Li Tian, Zoe's mindmap: Social conditions in Nazi Germany by Mind Map: Jenell, Joan, Bellenium, Li Tian, Zoe's mindmap: Social conditions in Nazi Germany


1.1. The most effective way of broadcasting propaganda by the Nazis was by directing and creating films.

1.2. Germans interest in films had grown increasingly, and thus films had become a lethal weapon for the Nazis to use due to its strong persuasiveness.

1.3. Radios were used to influence the opinions of the lower-working class.

1.4. Nazis artworks were intended to glorify the party and its activities.

1.4.1. glorify the party and its activities.

1.5. Nazis also developed art pieces to go along with the holiday, such as giving a salute to the people who had died in one of the paintings for 9th November (anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch).

1.6. There were political holidays created to remind the Germans of the political achievements of the National Socialist movement during its battle for the Third Reich, along with its great idealistic motives, such as highlighting the themes: battle, work, sacrifice.


2.1. Adolf Hitler places special demands on the German youth

2.2. The Nazis wanted the children to grow up believing in Nazis ideal & loving & obeying the Fuhrer

2.2.1. To ensure this, Nazi tried to control children’s lives from the moment they were born.

2.3. The youths are the foundation of the rebuilding of the German people and the German fatherland

2.4. Boys and Girls had different programme of lessons.

2.4.1. Boys Wore uniforms of the German army, navy and air force, so that when grown up, know how to lead and serve the country. Learnt chemistry, mathematics, physics. Focused a lot on military subjects to advance their knowledge about armies

2.4.2. Girls Had toy tea sets, prams and dolls know how to take care their families Learnt singing and basic biology Stressed a lot on health care so that they can grow up and become a nurse to take care of the people in Germany especially the soldiers who will be going for war

2.5. Boys and Girls: Learnt German, race studies which taught about the power of Aryans, history all about Nazi, Geography and ideology.

3. Anti-semitism

3.1. Films were also used as propaganda to convince the Germans to do all sorts of stuff e.g. discriminate against the Jews

3.2. Children had to suffer from poverty and the loss of their loved ones during the war


4.1. The nature of the Nazi Party's relations with the Catholic Church became complicated.

4.1.1. They both signed an agreement that he would not interfere with the Catholic Church while the Church would not comment on politics, however, Hitler started to a concerted attack on the Catholic Church arresting priests.

4.1.2. The level of ties between Nazism and the Protestant churches has been a controversial issue for decades.

4.2. As the Catholic Church had viewed the Nazis as a barrier to the spread of communism from Russia, they had presented numerous threat to Hitler.

4.3. The "German Christians" were lead by Ludwig Muller who believed that any member of the church who had Jewish ancestry should be sacked from the church.

4.4. Those who opposed the views of Muller were called the "Confessing Church".

4.5. Protestants stated that children in Germany were being brought up without a Christian education.

4.6. Before Hitler rose to power, many Catholic priests and leaders vociferously opposed Nazism on the grounds of its incompatibility with Christian morals.

4.7. The Nazis forbid religious youth movements, parish meetings, scout meetings, and church assets were taken. Church schools were closed, and teachers in religious institutes were dismissed.

4.8. Protestants were forbidden to attend universities. 300 clergy were expelled from the Lorraine region, monks and nuns were deported or forced to renounce their vows.


5.1. The Nazis believed that the women's role is the child bearer and the creator of the family

5.1.1. Women were discriminated against for having jobs, thus they ended giving up their careers

5.1.2. Women were never allowed to join the armed forces, not even in war

5.2. Mothers who had more than 8 children were given a gold medal

5.3. The Law for the Encouragement of Marriage gave newly-wed couples a loan of 1000 marks, and allowed them to keep 250 marks for each child they had