Staff CL

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STAFF CL 2021 por Mind Map: STAFF CL 2021

1. 2 Director Refs per game, 1 scorer

1.1. 1. Possible Soccer Refs: Andy, Schiff, Reuben, Jac, JAF

1.2. 2. Possible Basketball Refs: J Levy, Karon, Karp, Vaughn

1.3. 3. Possible SoftBall Refs: James, Nash

1.4. 4. Other sports Refs: Betts, Corey, Mette, Halfen

2. Each CL team with play each other each week

2.1. Ex. Soccer on Tuesday night : Team A plays Team B (20 mins halves) Team C plays Team D (20 mins) then Team A & B Finish the 2nd half, etc

2.2. Encourage CIT's, HS and other staff to help coach their teams and create cheer squads

2.3. Have CL points for each game to encourage buy in from Deans/Staff/CIT's/HS.

2.4. If organized properly, the comepetion will be high, it will also encourage buy in from staff and bond teams together

3. 4 CL Teams

3.1. A. Duke (ex)

3.1.1. Each Dean will appoint a captain for each sport -

3.2. B. Miami (ex)

3.2.1. 8-10 Staff Players list to be presented by captains the day before their game

3.3. C.Yale (ex)

3.3.1. List of teams, refs, and details to be in Tou Times/Band App to avoid confusion and delay

3.4. D. Vandy (ex)

3.4.1. Light and Dark clothes for each team - or Pennies

4. 4 Sports per week

4.1. Soccer

4.1.1. 9:30pm - 11pm- After OD staff get settled

4.2. Basketball

4.2.1. Director of each sport will help to organize the equipment, lights, etc

4.3. SoftBall

4.3.1. Have a Staff CL scoreboard on Tou Times/Band App

4.4. Volleyball/Hockey/Dodgeball/SpikeBall/CanJam

4.4.1. Encourage Staff to Play for the Game and have positive competition, inclusiveness, etc