Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability por Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Alternative Forms

2. Internal Consistency- Interpreting Reliability Co effcients

3. Reliability

3.1. Estimate Reliability

3.2. Test - Retest

4. Plan

4.1. Reason to evaluate tests

4.1.1. Goal 1

4.1.2. Goal 2

4.2. build confidence level

4.2.1. Session Rule 1

4.2.2. Session Rule 2

4.3. measure accurately

4.4. results are valid, reliable and accurate

4.5. criterion related validity

4.6. Construct Validity

5. Problem

5.1. why evaluate tests

5.2. validity-proper test measurement

6. Validity Coefficients

6.1. Content Validiit

6.1.1. sufficiently valid

6.1.2. correspond properly

6.2. Concurrent Validity

6.3. Predictive Validity

6.4. Coefficients are higher than predicitive

7. Types of Validity

8. Split - Half Methods

9. Kuder-Richardson Methods - Problems with internal consistency estimates-