Israel - Palestine conflict

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Israel - Palestine conflict by Mind Map: Israel - Palestine conflict

1. British actions?

1.1. By 1967, things looked like this.

1.2. This led to the Oslo Accords, and the peace process, based on our old friend, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242

1.3. November of 1947, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into separate Palestinian and Jewish states.

1.4. the British realized that colonies like Palestine were far more trouble than they were worth, so they handed the issue of Palestine over to the newly created United Nations.

2. Define Zionism

2.1. 1897: Zionism was born

2.1.1. The concept of Jewish nationalism

2.2. They want a national home in Palestine

3. What promises did British make?

3.1. In 1915, British officials had promised the ruler of Mecca.

3.2. The Brits had promised Palestine to the Meccans, to themselves, and to the Zionists.

3.3. The British established a colony in Palestine with the idea that they'd rule until the Palestinians were ready to govern themselves.

4. What happened in 6 Day War?

4.1. 1957: Harekat at-Tahriral-Wataniyyeh al-Falastiniyyeh - Palestine Liberation Committee (Fatah) was established.

4.2. 1967: Over the next 18 years, nothing changed territorially, and then, in 1967, Israel and several Arab states went to war again.

5. What is an Intifada? What tactic did they use? What is Hamas?

5.1. The first intifada also saw the founding of Hamas, which launched the first suicide bombing against Israel in 1993

5.2. Hamas gained support partly because of its militancy, but mostly because of its social welfare projects in Gaza

6. Why is the Temple Mount important?

6.1. To Muslims, this is known as the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it's the third-holiest site in Islam, behind only the Kaaba in Mecca and the Prophet's Mosque in Medina.

6.2. It's a pretty touchy place to march to with a thousand armed guards.

7. Why is nationalism an issue AGAIN?

7.1. For both Zionists and Palestinian national visions to eventually work, it's necessary to understand the right of each to exist and the legitimacy of each's historical narrative.

7.2. By understanding this isn't an endless religious war, that we might be closer to seeing its end.

8. What is the conflict about

8.1. Palestine

8.2. Israel

8.3. About land

9. Describe Ottoman influence

9.1. Ottoman Empire riled over Palestine

9.1.1. 87% Muslim

9.1.2. 10% Christian

9.1.3. 3% Jewish

9.2. Daily language : Arabic

9.3. 20th century Wasif Jawhariyyeh grew up in Jerusalem

9.4. Learning Qran

9.5. Celebrate Passover and Eid by Jewish and Muslim

9.6. Late 19th century

9.6.1. Dolden Age of nationalism in Europe

10. Describe the partition

10.1. two states roughly equal in size

10.1.1. Issral Won

10.1.2. Palestinians

10.1.3. Arab

10.2. Jordan controlled Westbank, city Jerusalem

10.3. over 700000 Palestinians fled home

10.4. Israel - the beginnig of their nation

11. Where were Israel’s settlements?

11.1. There are now over 350,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank, and over 200,000 in East Jerusalem, and these settlements are illegal.

12. How did peace talks work out?

12.1. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was willing to give up more land currently claimed by Israe

12.2. conflict in Northern Ireland getting resolved while you were president.

13. New Intifada and conflict. Why?

13.1. In 2002, the Israelis, claiming to act in defense of civilians, began construction of a wall around the West Bank

13.2. In 2005, Yasser Arafat died, and in an election shortly thereafter, Hamas won a majority of the parliamentary seats.

13.3. In the past ten years, Hamas has frequently launched rocket attacks into Israel; Israel has responded with extended and extremely violent invasions of Palestinian territory