by Martha Richburg
1. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence
1.1. Two types of criterion- related validity evidence
1.1.1. Evidence concurrent deals with measures that are administerred at the same time as the measure to be validated. Concurrent validity occurs when the criterion measure are obtained at the same time as the test scores. The test scores estimate the students current state to criterion. Predicitive validity evidence occurs when the criterion measures are obtained at a time after the test. Preictive evidence is useful for aptitude test and refers to how well test predicts the future behavior of the students.
2. Construct Validity Evidence
2.1. Construct is a test that has construct validity if it demonstrates an association btween the test scores and the prediction of a theoretical trait. Construct validity evidence is determined by finding if the test correspond with scores on other variables as predicted by some theory or rationale.
3. Content Validity Evidence
3.1. A test is established by checking the test questions to see if it covers what the teacher wants on the test. The items on the test should respresent what the test should and needs to cover and also the questions need to cover a broad range of topics and meets the instructional objectives and does it allign with the academic standards.