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Activity Idea por Mind Map: Activity Idea

1. Animals

1.1. Animal masks Binoculars Hand Print animals Foliage friends

1.2. Soft animal toys Duck pond Animal Sounds Animal furs Stories about animals e.g. Monkey Puzzle

1.3. Animal movements (stomping like an elephant etc) Hiding animals on Safari Animals Tracks in the mud Finding Bugs in the garden

1.4. Animal Shaped biscuits

2. Olympics

2.1. Making flags ( picked flowers, paint, crayons, printing, rolling)

2.2. Music from different Countries

2.3. Water balloon darts Bowling Activity Course

2.4. Foods from around the world e.g. Feta and Olives Sweet Chilli Sauce Popadoms German Biscuits Tortillas

3. The Circus

3.1. Circus tents Clown faces Clown hats/red noses/bow ties Bunting

3.2. Custard pies with shaving foam Circus music

3.3. Obstacle Course, Egg and Spoon

3.4. Circus animal biscuits Custard pies

4. Use and Re-use

4.1. Rainbow- bottle tops, clean rubbish Robots Mobile Printing with different materials Toilet roll animals

4.2. Musical Instruments – bottles with rice, banging clean rubbish Touch and feel, bubble wrap, tinfoil, crunchy plastics

4.3. Parachute- Plastic bags and ribbons Towers with clean junk

4.4. British fruits – strawberries

5. Jungle

5.1. Jungle colouring in sheets Print out animals creating the forest/jungle with leaves and grass and sticks from playground Creating rainmakers with bottles – rice and lentils Painting leaves and stamping them on paper Paper plate snakes Pasta snakes

5.2. Books about jungle animals e.g. Elmer the elephant Rice food colouring and leaves in a tray Ice lollies of jungle colours Jungle playlist of songs

5.3. Collecting leaves, grass and sticks Sleeping lions/ what time is it Mr Wolf Scavenger hunt for jungle animals Singing nursery rhymes about animals

5.4. Jungle coloured icing rolled out and cutting shapes into it

6. Ocean

6.1. Cut out fish ( other ocean animals) , colouring/painting/ sticking on Ocean landscapes in a bottle

6.2. Blue spaghetti with sea animals in Water play, with toys and sea shells Jelly fish, water filled gloves

6.3. Jelly fish- hula-hoops with ribbon attached Fishing with Velcro fish Beach volley ball

6.4. Blue Jelly

7. Space

7.1. Space rockets, Junk modelling Planets – paper maché, painting an cutting out shapes Galaxy paintings – flicking paint brushes Marble painting, Alien hats/headbands with googly eyes

7.2. Glow in the dark toys Projector Fizzy water space experiments Sparkly gloop Planet songs Books/rhymes about space Listen to a rocket blast off

7.3. Flying rockets Big art – rolling balls in different paint across paper to create solar system How the planets spin Chalk drawing of planets Using toys to create the solar system

7.4. Space foods – dried/packaged foods Pizza planets Edible glittery cupcakes

8. Summer

8.1. Chalking Bubble blowing Finger painting outside Big art, using play equipment, balloons and paint

8.2. Messy play- cornflower, peas Balloon play – filling them with water/ flour Water play- trays of water with buckets, sticking feet in, water fights Sponge art on walls Story telling- creating the story outside, walking through mud/river/swimming actions Frozen toys

8.3. Obstacle Course Football Racket games

8.4. Fruits, decorating biscuits with icing and fruits, picnics outside

9. Autumn

9.1. Leaf animals /landscapes Painting pine cones Autumn animals- hedgehogs, owls, squirrels Creating different weather patterns on paper

9.2. Crunchy leaves Reflective stars - in tent/classroom Nusery rhymes and singing Musical instruments using sticks and things found in the playground

9.3. Rustling leaves, making piles of them and jumping into them Jumping into puddles

9.4. Toasted marshmallows, jam on toast