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JMLE on NAMLE by Mind Map: JMLE on NAMLE

1. Commenting Process

1.1. comments will be open

1.2. comments will be moderated by "Editors" (which can include Vanessa's assistant)

1.3. Vanessa's assistant should notify article authors as a courtesy when comments are made so they can respond

2. Blog Category: "JMLE Articles & Blog" on NAMLE.Net

2.1. Each "JMLE Volume:Issue#" of the Journal will be a "Child" Category of the JMLE Blog "Parent" category (it will show up as a dropdown under that main menu

2.2. We could also have a Banner ad for the JMLE Blog in the right column

2.3. Menu: "JMLE Articles & BLOG"

2.3.1. Rolling over "JMLE Articles & Blog" shows dropdown sub-menu of "JMLE Volume:Issue #s" Click child category from submenu: "JMLE Volume:Issue #" for an index of articles in that issue

2.3.2. Clicking "JMLE Articles & Blog" shows an index of all of the posts in any JMLE issue in reverse-chronological order

3. Tagging

3.1. Open tagging can also be done to index articles by author, organizations involved, or subject area

3.2. Author Names, and names mentioned can be tagged (within reason)

3.3. Vanessa - is this something we want to gather from JMLE reviewers? Suggested Tags?

4. Process for adding issues

4.1. Vanessa's assistant (VA) will upload all articles to the site

4.2. Rhys & Vanessa will create a model for how the posts will look

4.3. Vanessa will turn over final drafts to VA in Word

4.4. VA will copy/paste the text into posts and format them according to the model

4.5. In cases where the formatting is too difficult to extract from PDFs she will link to the PDFs

4.6. When JMLE posts are made, checking "Categories" boxes for "JMLE Articles & Blog" + "JMLE V:I#" will index the articles correctly

5. Wordpress Formatting Questions

5.1. Allow Comments (on by default)

5.2. Paste the Abstract into the Excerpt Field

5.3. Author: JMLE? (we would need to make VA's account have that "Nickname"