by joseph bilenler
1. Content Validity Evidence does the test measure the instructional objectives?
2. Criterion Related Validity Evidence scores from a test are correlated with an external criterion.
3. Concurrent Criterion Related Validity Evidence
4. Predictive Validity Evidence how well the test predicts some future behavior of the examinees
4.1. Registration
4.2. Organizing team
4.2.1. Setup a regular organizer skype conference
4.2.2. Setup a Google Group (or similar) for offline discussion and information exchange
4.3. Sponsors
4.4. Money
4.4.1. Do you want to handle the money flow? Tax issues
5. Construct Validity Evidence
5.1. Website
5.2. Twitter account + participant list
5.2.1. define & communicate a standard hashtag
5.3. Advertising
5.4. T-Shirts
6. Test-Retest or Stability
7. Alternate Forms or Equivalence
7.1. two equivalent forms of a test used eliminates the problems of memory and practice
8. Internal Consistency
9. Split-Half Methods
10. Kuder Richardson Methods
10.1. Internet connection at the venue (WiFi)
10.2. Map location at/of the venue
10.3. Material for facilitation
10.3.1. Pens
10.3.2. Flipcharts
10.3.3. Masking Tape
10.3.4. Post-Its