Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology
by Trish Bennett
1. Step One: Referral for AT Assessment
1.1. *The referral process can vary from one district to another based on policy. *Student referrals can be made by teachers, family, therapists, administrators, psychologists, social workers, and Local Education Agency representatives (Beard, Bowden-Carpenter, & Johnston, 2011, p. 37). * A team is assembled to review the medical, personal, vision and hearing, technological use, and any other pertinent information students.
2. Step Two: Conducting an AT Assessment
2.1. *Both informal and formal assessments are conducted based on student records and observations. *Assistive Technology specialists observe areas such as cognitive skills, any current use of AT devices, sensory and memory skills, as well as communication and social skills (Beard,, p. 43). *Familial and social interviews and assessments are recommended during this part of the assessment. *Data retrieved in regards to family concerns, educational expectations, individual learning needs, and medical history are considered. *The data that has been compiled is presented to the IEP team.
3. Step Three: The IEP Team
3.1. *The IEP team works together to determine the educational individualized needs of students. The IEP team can consist of teachers, students, parents, and AT specialist among others. *In addition the IEP team will determine what Assistive Technology devices, if any, will be appropriate for students. *The IEP focuses on the educational goals of students and how technology can assist in the process. *The IEP team must consider and implement training for students utilizing assistive devices in addition to training those individuals assisting these students as well.
4. Step Four: Implementation of the AT Device
4.1. *After the AT device has been received it’s important that all people that will be in contact with the student know how to utilize the AT device *The actual implementation and assessment of the device needs to be consistent among all of the IEP team. *The assessment should also be continuous as to see how the student is developing after being introduced and utilizing the newly imposed AT. *This can call for the IEP team to make necessary adjustments to the assistive technology device if necessary. node