DM2 reversal post GBP

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DM2 reversal post GBP by Mind Map: DM2 reversal post GBP

1. Concepts

1.1. Mechanism of benefit

1.2. Tonic vs cyclical

1.3. Relative vs Absolute effects

1.4. Alexandrian solution vs the gragorian know

1.5. Multiple vs single solutions

1.6. Why is it important?

2. Sites

2.1. GUT

2.2. Peripheral

2.3. Multiple

3. Mediators

3.1. Mechanical

3.2. Neural

3.3. Hormonal

3.4. Nutritional

3.5. Microbial

4. Energy Balance

4.1. Increase intake

4.2. Increase expenditure

5. Investigator tools

5.1. Epidemiological

5.1.1. DMRR

5.2. Physiology

5.3. Imaging

5.4. Histology

6. New node