#1 Schools: Where Education Is Coming From ... And Where Education Is Going To

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#1 Schools: Where Education Is Coming From ... And Where Education Is Going To por Mind Map: #1 Schools: Where Education Is Coming From ... And Where Education Is Going To

1. What we teach

1.1. What kids want to know, do, and be like

1.1.1. #3 Learning about TO Practicing the disciplne of

1.1.2. What they know TO What they can do with what they know

1.1.3. Facts TO If you can google it, don't teach it

1.1.4. Rigor: Know the facts TO Know the questions

1.1.5. Define content by subject TO Define content around problems, project or issues

1.1.6. Resources: Books/library/teacher TO Web - text/audio/video ... the world

1.1.7. Standardized TO Customized and individualized

1.1.8. Improve weaknesses TO Capitalize on strengths

1.1.9. Subject/content TO Problems/projects/issues

1.1.10. Learning experience: Standardized TO Customized/ individualized/ mass customization

1.1.11. Source of information: Teacher/library/ textbook TO Google/Youtube/Wikipedia/ web

1.1.12. Learning Memorize TO Use in new, unpredictable situation

1.1.13. Compliant TO Self directed

1.1.14. Prepare to be an employee TO prepared for their future

1.1.15. Content knowledge TO Skills, knowledge and behaviors

1.1.16. Success means you are smart TO Success means you worked hard

1.1.17. Content acquired from teacher or text book TO Content acquired in process/context of project or problem being solved

2. How we teach

2.1. Learning experiences and opportunities

2.1.1. Lecture TO Project

2.1.2. Information TO Problem

2.1.3. Compliance TO Passion

2.1.4. Learning by listening TO Learning by doing

2.1.5. Goal: Pass/finish/grades ... TO Learning

2.1.6. Metaphor for schooling: Books TO Hyperlinks

2.1.7. Involvement: Passive TO Active

2.1.8. Roll of adult: Tell TO Guide/Facilitate

2.1.9. Instructor Behavior: Direct TO Question (Socratic)

2.1.10. Student Behavior: Memorize TO Think

2.1.11. Student acquires: Content TO Skills/knowledge/ habits

2.1.12. Audience: Teacher/Classmates TO The World

2.1.13. Memorize TO Make/do/solve/create

2.1.14. Worksheet TO Real problem

2.1.15. Places of teaching TO places of learning

2.1.16. Mistakes are unacceptable TO Mistakes are necessary

2.1.17. #2 Ritualistic engagement To Authentic Engagement

2.1.18. Just tell me what to do TO engaged innovation and problem solving

3. How we organize to teach

3.1. How we organize to learn

3.1.1. Rigid time schedule TO Flexible timeschedule

3.1.2. Factory TO Network

3.1.3. Classroom TO Anywhere

3.1.4. Define content by subject TO Define content around student interest

3.1.5. Work: Alone To Teams

3.1.6. Silos - Department/content TO Integrated/interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary

3.1.7. Assembly Line TO Team

3.1.8. Designated time TO Anytime/Just in time

3.1.9. Machine TO Organism

3.1.10. Organize by subject content TO Organize by problem/project/interest

3.1.11. As big as possible TO Any size

4. How we assess teaching

4.1. How we assess learning

4.1.1. Based on time TO Based on work done

4.1.2. Central planners decide success criteria TO Parents decide success criteria

4.1.3. Measure: Standardized Tests TO Hope/Well being/Engagement

4.1.4. Organization: Courses TO Standards … Badges

4.1.5. Written test/multiple choice TO Performance

5. Leadership

5.1. Manager TO Leader

5.1.1. Great Leaders: Make sure we are doing the right things

5.1.2. Great Managers: Make sure we do things right

5.2. Rules TO Principles

5.3. Problem: Clear TO Opaque

5.4. Solution: Technical TO Adaptive

5.5. Who leads improvement/Change: Experts TO Stakeholders

5.6. Implementing plans developed by central planners TO Thinking, creating, innovating

5.7. Failing conventionally is safe TO Succeeding unconventionally is safe

5.8. Central planners TO Edupreneurs

5.9. Continuous improvement TO Discontinuous improvement