Purpose in Persepolis

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Purpose in Persepolis by Mind Map: Purpose in Persepolis

1. Scene that highlights this idea. When Marjane is in university we see her express her ideas about the society they live in. Marjane has been brought up in a liberal environment and through these experiences with Anoush, she has learned to stand up in what she believes in, in order to positively enforce an idea on people. Although the loss of her Uncle is a tragedy with in its self, it has taught her to to be expressive.

1.1. The position of the shot makes the audience aware of her importance

2. The technique that is illustrated during this scene is the shot choice, the long/wide shot. which is in a bleak setting with snow etc. this shows Marjane's loneliness and isolation.

3. 1) That Freedom Demands Sacrifice.

3.1. A scene that shows this purpose is when Anoush has to sacrifice his family eg.Marjane for his beliefs

4. 6. That true wisdom demands more than just experiencing the world, it requires that a person do something positive with that experience.

5. 2. That the struggle to grow up is universal- it doesn't matter your ethnicity

5.1. The scene where Marjane goes though puberty. Her nose gets bigger and she grows taller etc.

5.1.1. The techniques that illustrate this is the montage which is displayed which shows all things happening over a short period of time. This makes it seem that what is happening to Marjane is worse than it actually is. This is something that every one can relate to as everyone experiences this change. By making us relate to Marjane we can see that her ethnicity doesn't mean her struggle to grow up isn't any different to ours.

5.2. A supporting scene which helps reinforce this idea is the one in which Marjane is left heartbroken after discovering that her boyfriend was cheating on her

5.3. Another scene which also shows Marjane growing up is when she buys the Iron Maiden cd which is forbidden in her culture.

5.3.1. The technique used in this scene is camera technique tilting up to reveal the nuns. This technique enforces the idea of Marjane doing something she isn't supposed to be doing and then being caught.

6. That coming to terms with the evils of the world is a fundamental part of growing up.

6.1. Supporting Scene: Later in the film we see Marjane standing up in the university against government officials that want to enforce more rules about the way the women dress. This comes from her Uncle's beliefs that were passed on to her and shows that she has come to terms with her Uncle's death and is able to accept the evils in Iran.

6.2. Scene: After Anoush has died and there was nothing either God or Marjane could do. Marjane talks to God and confronts him about not being just and stopping the death of someone good. This is Marjane losing some of her innocence and seeing the evil in the world. Although she does not come to terms with it at this point in her life however it is an important step.

6.2.1. Techniques: The black and white colours separate God from Marjane which shows her losing part of her innocence.

7. 5. That we need martyrs in the world.

7.1. A scene that reinforces this idea is when Anoush risks his life for freedom for not only him but also his country. Anoush has dedicated his life for freedom that he influenced other people like Marjane. Which is shown when she stands up for herself and the other women at the universtiy x0x0 gossip girl

8. She eats spaghetti

9. The use of colour In this scene shows us Marjane finally being free of her family. As she walks off the plane we see her disappearing into white. because we associate white with freedom and peace it is like Marjane is walking into a peaceful free place

10. 1) Another scene which shows this purpose is right at the end when Marjane has to leave Iran essentially forever and leave her family behind to be free.

11. When governments of people in power want to use this , they could easily do things- using religion etc. as an excuse

12. 3. That fundamentalism is always destructive

12.1. This depends on the extremity of the fundamentalism (This doesn't make sense does it?)

12.2. Because this means if their source of law? (E.g. The Koran etc.) is corrupt then they cannot do anything about it.

12.3. When governments of people in power want to use this , they could easily do things- using religion etc. as an excuse

12.4. The scene where the girls at the university are told to wear longer headscarves and more shapeless clothing to cover their bodies - the government is using the Islamic religion as a weapon and an excuse to stay in control.

12.4.1. New node Also in the particular shot we see that the few officers take up almost half of the shot, this shows their dominance even thought there are many many more of the students than them.

12.4.2. The Obvious contrast is shown in the composition of the shot. The separation between the genders emphasise the power of fundamentalism when used in the wrong way.

13. That embracing your cultural identity is an important part of self-acceptance, and so any denial of culture is a denial of self identity.

13.1. Scene description: When Marjane's grandmother tells her off for pretending to be french. When Marjane says she is French she is denying her culture and identity, and it shows that she doesn't accept herself for who she really is, and that she is denying her cultural identity.

13.1.1. The technique used in this scene is composition because her grandmother is a shadow which represents that it's kind of her conscious reminding her to be herself, and it's like she knows that what she did was wrong b