UCDenver Dental School Curriculum Videos
by Darin Johnston
1. ISTR 2
1.1. Custom Tray Fabrication
1.2. Occlusal Index
1.3. Occlusal Reduction
1.4. Impression for Stone Die
1.5. Die Trimming
2. AxiUm
2.1. Operative Comp Grading
2.2. X Code in AxiUm
2.3. AxiUm Operative Comp Cheat Sheet
2.4. Adding Photos in AxiUm
3. Direct Operative 1
3.1. Rubber Dam Placement
3.2. Tofflemire Matrix
4. Removable Pros 1
4.1. Wax Rims for Complete Dentures
4.2. Preliminary Impressions Dentures
5. How to Use this Map
5.1. Click "minus" to collapse a branch
5.2. Click "plus" to expand a branch
5.3. Click arrow to play video
5.4. Zoom in or out using slider bar
5.5. Share Map using these buttons
6. Unorganized Videos
6.1. Vacu-formed Occlusal Guard
6.2. Mounting Esthetic Models on Articulator
6.3. Reduction Stint for Dental Veneers
6.4. Triad Occlusal Guard