Our plan

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Our plan by Mind Map: Our plan

1. Different topics

1.1. Family

1.2. Posessions

1.3. Places

2. Verbs

2.1. Tenses

2.1.1. Present Simple

2.1.2. Past Simple

2.1.3. Future (be going to)

2.2. Other

2.2.1. There is/there are

2.2.2. Can

2.2.3. Would like

2.2.4. Imperative mood

3. Nouns and pronouns

3.1. Plural and Singular

3.2. Countable, uncountable

3.3. Much, many

4. Adjectives and pronouns

4.1. Posessive pronouns

4.2. Posessive s

4.3. Demonstratives