1. The English Prevailed on the Atlantic Seabord
1.1. The British estrablished permanent settlements along the Atlantic Ocean, three colonies emerged: the South, New England and the Middle Colonies.
2. The Chesapeake Colonies
3. Prosperity in a Pipe: Tobacco
3.1. Tobacco was an easy crop to cultivate, although the overproduction of it let to prices dropping and the least popular agricultures absorbed losses.
4. Bacon's Rebellion
4.1. Bacon's rebelled against the Indians for their land, but William Berkeley fought against him restoring order and harmony.
5. The Carolinas
5.1. South Carolinas basic goods were not tobacco, but furs, indigo and timber to produce manufactored products. Slavery was extreme and produced main population of the South Carolina. Few rebelled.
6. Home and Family in the South
6.1. The people lived in very small houses with few furtniture, there was plenty of food and woman rarely worked but inside the house, children were uneducated and churches were anglicans, with slightness power.
7. The middle colonies
7.1. Economic Basis
7.1.1. Most people were farmers , owned slaves and produced their own food. Grew cash crop for export.
7.2. Intermingling with people
7.2.1. There were distinctive ethic and religious diversity.
7.3. The Politics of Diversity
7.3.1. Politics in these colonies was more contentious and sophisticated. They all had popular elected representatives assemblies.
8. What is an American?
8.1. Colonist fashion from themselves a new identity from the British.
9. Settement of New France
9.1. The french process of migration was slow due to french lack of interest in moving, french settlers who were possible missionaries, intermixed with Native Indian women and ended up marrying them.
10. Society in New Mexico, Texas and California
10.1. The Indians achieve to scare away the Spanish with the guns they obtained through French fur traders.
11. The Lure of the Land
11.1. In order to increase the agriculture they introduced the slavery system. The indentured servants were often abused, but new laws provided shorter slavery time frames. Due to less servants landowners seek and alternative choice.
11.1.1. Indentured: formal legal agreement.
12. Slavery: Solving the labor shortage
12.1. Afro Americans came into North America in 1619, but laws were codified since 1660. British followed the Spanish and Portuguese into Slavering the Africans. By 1670 the wealth conditions of the colonies were improving, providing more African slaves who never fought for freedom.
13. Georgia and the Back Country
13.1. This was like a rehab center for people out of jail among other problems. They limited the amount of alcohol consumption and the atmosphere was controlled, soon enough they rejected these restrictions and started to develop a culture like South Carolina.
14. Puritan New England
14.1. Was a pleasant place to live in, because of pure water system.
14.2. Puritan Family
14.2.1. Everyone's behavior must be good. The families were patriarchal, where the father was the boss and the subordinate mother and loving mother.
14.3. Visible Puritans and Others
14.3.1. Church membership rose but the religion wasn't as intense as it used to be. At first it had strict standards to become of the Puritan church, by the thirds generation what was crucial was a wider society.
14.4. Democracies without democrats.
14.4.1. Politics based on religion. Monitoring regulation fell in local town governments.
14.5. The Dominion of New England
14.5.1. In 1680, the british empire hoped for more control.
14.5.2. They placed Edmund Andros, but soon enough made himself unpopular by abolishing popular assemblies and enforcing religious toleration.
14.5.3. By 1688, Massachusetts became royal colony.
14.6. Salem Bewitched
14.6.1. A series of witchcraft trials lead to 20 executions.
14.6.2. Associated with leashed of woman sexuality.
14.7. Higher Education in New England
14.7.1. The puritans established school to educate ministers, local towns also provided schooling for children and increased the literacy rate.
14.8. A merchant's world
14.8.1. The Puritans created an indirect trading scheme to England, providing then a wealthy community of boston.