Sammie's Information

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Sammie's Information by Mind Map: Sammie's Information

1. Information Controlled By Me

1.1. E-mail

1.1.1. Personal

1.1.2. Sac Link

1.2. Work

1.2.1. Availability

1.3. School

1.3.1. Attendence

1.3.2. Studying

1.3.3. After School Activities

1.4. Working Out

1.4.1. The Well

2. Information Experienced By Me

2.1. Events

2.1.1. Concerts

2.1.2. Birthdays

2.1.3. Clubs

2.1.4. Family Gatherings

2.2. School

2.2.1. Elementary

2.2.2. Middle School

2.2.3. High school

2.2.4. College

2.3. Sports

2.3.1. Softball

2.3.2. Pole Vaulting

2.3.3. Golf

3. Information Relevant to Me

3.1. Contacts

3.1.1. Friends

3.1.2. Family

3.1.3. Classmates

3.1.4. Co-workers

3.2. Events

3.2.1. People

3.2.2. Location

3.2.3. Cost

3.3. Media

3.3.1. Movies

3.3.2. Social Networks

4. Information About Me

4.1. Work

4.1.1. Current Jobs McCormick & Schmick's Freebirds

4.1.2. Past Jobs Pearl on the River Hornet Bookstore Texas Roadhouse

4.2. School

4.2.1. Sorority Alpha Phi Social Chair Sunshine Chair

4.2.2. Classes Journalism G.E.

4.2.3. Intramural sports Kickball Dodgeball

4.3. Personal Information

4.3.1. Family Members

4.3.2. Address

4.3.3. Age

4.3.4. Birthday

4.3.5. Hobbies

5. Information Directed to Me

5.1. Messages

5.1.1. E-mails

5.1.2. Text Messages

5.1.3. Social networks

5.2. Advertisments

5.2.1. Clothes

5.2.2. Events

5.2.3. Concerts

5.2.4. Food

5.2.5. Alcohol

6. Information Sent by Me

6.1. Personal

6.1.1. Text Messages

6.1.2. Phone Calls

6.1.3. E-mails

6.2. Social Networks

6.2.1. Facebook

6.2.2. Instagram

6.2.3. Twitter

6.2.4. Pinterest

6.2.5. Skype

6.3. School

6.3.1. Assignments

6.3.2. E-mails