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Tax by Mind Map: Tax

1. tax avoidance e.g. legal

2. tax rate

3. indirect tax e.g. VAT, sales tax

4. levy taxes e.g. taxes are levied on...

5. progressive e.g. income tax and regressive taxes e.g. VAT

6. flat tax rate

7. tax payer

8. deduct tax

9. tax evasion e.g. illegal

10. tax loopholes

11. tax consultants and tax accountants

12. accounting for tax purposes

13. direct tax e.g. income tax

14. collect tax

15. tax allowance

16. tax haven

17. income tax

18. capital gains tax e.g from sale of assets

19. capital transfer e.g. inhertitance

20. wealth tax

21. corporation tax rate

22. tax authorities

23. tax year

24. tax inspector

25. tax return/form

26. tax return/form

27. tax deductible

28. tax loss

29. tax shelter