Advantages & Disadvantages of mindmeister

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Advantages & Disadvantages of mindmeister by Mind Map: Advantages & Disadvantages of mindmeister

1. Disadvantages

1.1. Editing Can Be Dangerous

1.2. Formatting

1.3. Confusing

2. Disadvantages

2.1. Could get chaotic

2.2. Limited options

2.3. Don't see ability to easily integrate with other programs.

2.3.1. S. Willis: Many Export Options

3. Advantages

3.1. Share

3.2. Visualy Appealing

3.3. Flexible

3.4. Asynchronous & Synchronous

3.5. Fosters Students Creativity

4. Advantages

4.1. Quick

4.2. Engaging

4.2.1. New node

4.3. Easy to see relationships

4.3.1. S. Willis

4.4. Greater productiviy

4.4.1. S. Willis