Creative Commons International ressources

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Creative Commons International ressources por Mind Map: Creative Commons  International ressources

1. Across nations

1.1. Pictures

1.2. Music / sound

1.3. Video

1.4. Archives

1.4.1. Europeana

1.5. Text

1.6. Anything of interest

1.6.1. See Danish scelaton for legal materials to students

1.6.2. CC HQ

2. Norway

2.1. Pictures


2.2. Music / sound

2.3. Video

2.3.1. NRK Bergensbanen

2.3.2. NRK Hurtigruten

2.3.3. NRK Telemarkskanalen

2.4. Archives

2.5. Text

2.6. Anything of interest

2.6.1. National Creative Commons The national site for CC Twitter Facebook-page

2.6.2. Other organisations

3. Sweden

3.1. Pictures

3.2. Music / sound

3.3. Video

3.4. Archives

3.5. Text

3.6. Anything of interest

3.6.1. The national site for CC

4. Poland

4.1. Pictures

4.2. Music / sound

4.3. Video

4.4. Archives

4.5. Text

4.5.1. 1812 free books - (all books are in polish)

4.6. Anything of interest

4.6.1. The national site for CC

5. Netherlands

5.1. Pictures

5.2. Music / sound

5.3. Video

5.4. Archives

5.5. Text

5.6. Anything of interest

5.6.1. The national site for CC

6. United Kingdom

6.1. Pictures

6.2. Music / sound

6.3. Video

6.4. Archives

6.5. Text

6.6. Anything of interest

6.6.1. The national site for CC

7. Germany

7.1. Pictures

7.1.1. Wir waren so frei

7.2. Music / sound

7.3. Video

7.3.1. Wir waren so frei; Erinnerungen

7.4. Archives

7.5. Text

7.6. Anything of interest

7.6.1. The national site for CC

8. France

8.1. Pictures

8.2. Music / sound

8.3. Video

8.4. Archives

8.5. Text

8.6. Anything of interest

8.6.1. The national site for CC

9. Spain

9.1. Pictures

9.2. Music / sound

9.3. Video

9.3.1. Barcelona Creative Commons Filmfestival

9.4. Archives

9.5. Text

9.6. Anything of interest

9.6.1. The national site for CC

10. Greece

10.1. Pictures

10.2. Music / sound

10.3. Video

10.4. Archives

10.5. Text

10.6. Anything of interest

10.6.1. The national site for CC

11. Belgium

11.1. Pictures

11.2. Music / sound

11.3. Video

11.3.1. Mathilde Misses

11.4. Archives

11.5. Text

11.6. Anything of interest

11.6.1. The national site for CC

12. Portugal

12.1. Pictures

12.2. Music / sound

12.3. Video

12.4. Archives

12.5. Text

12.6. Anything of interest

12.6.1. The national site for CC

13. Denmark

13.1. Pictures

13.1.1. Flickr: Peter Leth

13.1.2. Flickr: Normann Copenhagen

13.1.3. National Museum of Art

13.2. Music / sound

13.2.1. Tone from Denmark

13.2.2. UhrLaut UhrLaut at SoundCloud

13.3. Video


13.4. Archives

13.4.1. National Museum of Art / Statens Kunstmuseum

13.5. Text

13.5.1. Blog:

13.6. Anything of interest

13.6.1. The national site for CC

13.6.2. Facebook-page

13.6.3. Twitter

14. Italy

14.1. Pictures

14.2. Music / sound

14.3. Video

14.4. Archives

14.5. Text

14.6. Anything of interest

14.6.1. The national site for CC