Designing continuing professional development - Exploring Education Futures Rachel Jones

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Designing continuing professional development - Exploring Education Futures Rachel Jones por Mind Map: Designing continuing professional development - Exploring Education Futures Rachel Jones

1. ‘Innovating Pedagogy 2012’ report is to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. Professor Mike Sharples, Open University,

1.1. Linking this with ITE

2. Scotland's Donaldson Review - many good points

3. Developing knowledge and skills via ICT (i.e., sharing and collaboration via professional online communities of practice)

3.1. Promoting professionalism/ connoseurship

4. Knowledge and skills how to use ICT

4.1. What resources do we already have in the system?

4.1.1. IWBs in most schools + research evidence + some strong and developing practice

4.1.2. IPad Scotland evaluation + good blogs & twitter activity

5. Definition of Education Futures

5.1. DRAFT: a concept that identifies the complexity of preparing students for jobs that don't exist yet. It suggests an imperative to focus learning on developing key competencies - nimble and creative thinking,

5.2. Technology permeates every aspect of schooling; software applications become more and more sophisticated

5.3. 'Bring your own device' will be the norm

5.4. Greatly expanded diversity of provision (virtual schools, MOOC, etc)

5.5. Innovation

5.5.1. tools position change in practice

5.5.2. Sustained improvement in practice Embedding sustained

5.6. Coping with unpredictability

6. How should a CPD programme design reflect Education Futures?

6.1. Evidence

6.2. Underpinning learning theories

6.3. Needs and beliefs of teachers need to be considered

6.4. Link knowledge leaders in academia with industry and also the link with practicing teachers (the 3 way link)

6.5. Setting up online communities for all 3 constituencies (industry, academia, teaching) to share and develop and implement new solutions

6.6. CPD (possibly mandatory) to show updating of pedagogical and technical knowledge)

7. How do you think Education Futures will affect the profession?

7.1. Becoming a knowledge industry? Knowledge leaders and innovators earn greater rewards

7.2. McKinsey: a system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. Opportunity for system level improvement

7.3. Constant challenge for teachers to keep up with the technology

7.4. the 1 to 30 model, and the homogeneity of the profession will fragment (different kinds of teachers)

8. What should we be telling politicians?

8.1. Start early, with teacher students in the university!

8.2. Performance management of teachers should reflect a full range of activities including online communities and networks

8.3. Teacher standards should reflect the education futures world (and change when required to reflect new realities)

9. What you know about the impact of new policies on recruitment and retention of ICT teachers?

9.1. Evidence

9.1.1. In NZ, we have computer studies teachers in secondary schools; they tend to teach about programs. They don't tend to teach about cyber citizenship or social media. Schools might also have directors of e-learning, who have a PD brief with staff. In primary schools, a teacher will offer to be the e-earning leader. NZ has Graduating Teacher Standards. Graduates of ITE must demonstrate competence in using ICT for learning. Practising teachers have to attest each year to their competence, including their skills at integrating digital technologies So, do policies affect recruitment

9.2. In Wales, the ICT curriculum regeneration that's starting up is proving popular. Many ICT teachers see opportuniteis to develop and teach CS. While ICT developments in Wales are positive, at the moment they may be more focused on CS. The strategy for Digital Literacy is less developed, and perhaps the opportunities arising from DL are not so clear yet. ICT is an aspect of the curriculum that may remain relatively unchanged for there has not been the same negative data (so-called) as in England, supposedly demonstrating that ICT is "harmful". However, it is interesting that while there is a trend for ICT teachers to consider taking up CS there does not seem to be a matching trend from any direction to take up ICT!

10. Relevant resources


11. Aspects of ICT integration in teacher professional development

11.1. Developing knowledge and skills about when and how and why to use ICT purposefully for learning (sound pedagogical approaches underpin the use of technology in learning contexts).

11.2. Developing knowledge and skills via ICT (i.e., sharing and collaboration via professional online communities of practice).

12. Background reading

12.1. Integrated Model of teachers professional growth

12.2. UNESCO sponsored report from the Teacher Professional Development working group at EDUsummIT2011

12.3. McKinsey 2012 report

13. Challenges for the University

13.1. transferring knowledge to schools more effectively

13.2. Doing more high level synthesis of studies to provide evidence for practice

13.3. Interfacing better with industry to develop new products

14. Strategies of execution (Covey)

14.1. maximum of 3 goals

14.1.1. clarity of goals and progress

14.2. Create a compelling scorecard

14.3. Lofty goals -> specific actions -> changing behaviour: define what and how for each person

14.4. Hold each other accountable all of the time

14.4.1. mutual interdependence

14.4.2. Knowing others count on you to be committed