Characteristics of Malone

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Characteristics of Malone por Mind Map: Characteristics of Malone

1. Humble

1.1. doesnt brag

1.1.1. mining accident

1.1.2. rugby

1.2. New node

2. Convincing

2.1. gets challenger to open up

3. hero

3.1. goes into mine to save people

3.1.1. doesnt brag about it

4. lover

4.1. likes gladys

4.2. good looking

4.2.1. gladys likes him

5. approachable

5.1. he is really nice

5.2. can get challanger to be nice

6. leader

6.1. innovations

6.2. god thinker

7. Athletic

7.1. rugby

7.1.1. national team