Presenting with Technology Project
by Greg Sweeney
1. Project Information
1.1. This project is designed for a student who has a passion for technology along with an outgoing personality and interest in business, marketing and teaching others.
1.2. You will research and become an expert in a digital presentation tool, including all components in presenting. You will also research and design an e-Commerce website that you will be able to have information on your tool, integrate marketing strategies and track sales.
1.3. Once this is set up, you will target certain people or groups that either use the presentation tool, or would benefit from using it and set up online or live training to that group.
2. Grades
2.1. Upon Completion of the project, you will be marked using the attached marking sheet.
3. Timeline
3.1. You will have 1 semester to complete this project, with extra time considered for the presenting portion.
4. Resources
4.1. Access to computer lab, equipment and internet
4.2. Access to a teacher for support and superivsion
4.3. Access to new software and subscriptions based on approval.
4.4. Space to conduct presentations, if held at school.
5. Courses
5.1. Prior to beginning the project, you must have completed HCS 3000 Workplace Safety Systems
5.2. This is INF 1910 INF Project A - a 3 credit project taken with 2 other courses:
5.2.1. 1.INF1070: DIGITAL PRESENTATION Students develop skills with tools used for computerized presentations involving text, data, graphics, sound and animation. (Alberta Education, 2010)
5.2.2. 2.MAM1040: E-COMMERCE 1 Students will investigate the concept of e-commerce as a marketing strategy and design an e-commerce Web site to sell products and/or services. (Alberta Education, 2010)