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Nomadtopia by Mind Map: Nomadtopia

1. Admin/Logistics

1.1. find someone at home who can handle things that come up (deposit checks, scan things for your review, etc.)

1.2. mail

1.3. how to keep in touch

2. Decide Where to Go

2.1. Nomadtopia post:

2.2. weather

2.3. culture

2.4. events

2.5. close to friends/family

2.6. education

2.7. health care

2.8. cost of living

2.9. language

2.10. infrastructure

2.11. health/well-being (special diet, etc.)

3. Destination Research

3.1. weather (what to wear/take)

3.2. culture (what to wear)

3.3. language (study?)

3.4. where to stay?

3.5. cost of living

3.6. visas

3.7. vaccinations

3.8. how to get there/get around

3.9. connect with locals/expats

4. Technology

4.1. adapters/converters

4.2. laptop

4.3. external hard drive/online backup system

4.4. cell phone (quad band, unlocked)

4.5. other gadgets?

5. What Does Your Nomadtopia Look Like?

5.1. work and travel

5.2. only travel

5.3. move around a lot

5.4. stay in one place for months at a time

5.5. travel seasonally

5.6. home exchange

6. Family

6.1. pets

6.1.1. Nomadtopia post:

6.2. kids


7.1. My Location Independence Day is ________________________

7.2. Buy first plane ticket/set departure date

8. Health, Safety, Well-Being

8.1. insurance

8.1.1. Nomadtopia post:

8.2. medications

8.3. vaccinations

8.4. exercise

8.4.1. Nomadtopia post:

8.5. special dietary concerns

9. Home and Belongings

9.1. keep home and rent out

9.2. sell home/end lease

9.3. home exchange

9.4. get rid of what you don't need

9.5. insurance

9.6. what to take

10. Money

10.1. income sources (also see Work)

10.1.1. Nomadtopia post:

10.2. how much do you need to make/save?

10.3. how will you save money?

10.4. banking on the road

10.5. how will you receive money and pay bills from the road?

11. Work

11.1. take sabbatical?

11.2. work remotely?

11.3. quit job and do something else?

11.4. start new business?

11.5. offline tools and infrastructure

11.6. online tools and infrastructure

11.7. assistant/support?

11.8. ways to communicate with clients

12. Before You Go

12.1. vaccinations

12.2. visas

12.3. haircut

12.4. doctor's appts

12.5. get cash

12.6. passport

12.7. medication

12.8. first-night accommodations

12.9. arrival research

12.10. notify bank of travel plans

12.11. cancel gym membership, other local activities

12.12. cancel automatic bill pay, anything else you won't be using

12.13. change of address, if need to send bills, etc. to someone else to handle