Places of articulation

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Places of articulation por Mind Map: Places of articulation

1. Bilabial

1.1. Bilabial consonants occur when you block airflow out of the mouth by bringing your lips together.

1.1.1. There are three bilabial consonants: (P, B, M)

2. Labio-dental

2.1. Labio-dental consonants occur when you block airflow by curling your lower lip back and raising it to touch your upper row of teeth.

2.1.1. There are two labio-dental sounds: (F, V)

3. Dental

3.1. Dental consonants occur when you block airflow by placing your slimy tongue against your upper teeth.

3.1.1. There are two dental sounds: (θ, ð) θ: "thick and bath", ð: "the and rather"

4. Alveolar

4.1. The alveolar ridge is where your teeth meet your gums. You create these consonants when you raise your tongue to the alveolar ridge to block or constrict airflow

4.1.1. It has six alveolar consonants: (N, T, D, S, Z, I)

5. Post-Alveolar

5.1. Post-alveolar consonants are those that occur when the tongue blocks or constricts airflow at the point just beyond the alveolar ridge.

5.1.1. The post-alveolar English consonants are: ( ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ)

6. Palatal

6.1. You create Palatal consonants when you raise the tongue to this point and constrict airflow.

6.1.1. It has only one palatal consonant: ( j )

7. Velar

7.1. You make Velar Consonants when you raise the back of your tongue to the velum to block or restrict airflow.

7.1.1. It has four velar consonants: (ŋ, k, g, w)