Creating online courses
by David Brighton
1. student charecteristics
1.1. number
1.2. tech literacy
1.3. stand alone?
2. types of activities
2.1. forum discussions
2.1.1. Q & A, where student only sees other responses after posting theirs
2.1.2. Single discussion with only one thread
2.2. collaborative glossaries
2.3. feedback, to show completion of an off-line activity
2.4. mind maps (
2.5. written text content
2.6. audio file, eg patient story
2.7. video file
2.8. process animation
2.9. web walk, list of websites to explore
2.10. quiz
2.10.1. how does this address higher level learning?
2.11. mindmaps (this!)
3. key thoughts
3.1. trade off in time to develop resources v time to deliver/mentor/supervise
3.2. effort v benefit
3.2.1. reusability
3.2.2. student
3.3. good design
3.3.1. relevance
3.3.2. challenge
3.3.3. complexity
3.3.4. encourage collaboration and synthesis of ideas
3.4. suitability
3.4.1. f2f, online or blended? what aspects have to be f2f?
4. learning outcomes
4.1. from existing f2f course?
5. process
5.1. learning objectives
5.2. storyboard content
5.3. storyboard activities
5.4. check against learning outcomes
5.5. check flow and workload, you don't want 30 discussions in the first week for example.
5.6. write supporting materials
5.7. write instructions for activity (David will normally create activities)
5.8. put content into moodle
5.9. check sequencing, labels etc
5.10. proof read, preferably by other person
5.11. make sure instructions for non standard activity types are available
6. teaching style
6.1. facts
6.2. thinking
6.3. student active participant
6.3.1. constructivism
6.4. student as passive responder
6.5. lecturer charecteristics
6.5.1. intention v actual performance
6.5.2. online comfort
6.5.3. online facilitation skills