Internet Tools for Teacher Librarians

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Internet Tools for Teacher Librarians por Mind Map: Internet Tools for Teacher Librarians

1. Tag Clouds

2. Podcast

2.1. SMS

2.2. Google Mobile

3. Mindmeister

4. Web 2.0

4.1. Platform of sharing

4.1.1. Facebook

4.1.2. Youtube

4.1.3. flickr

4.2. Information searching

4.2.1. Wikipedia

4.2.2. Search engine Yahoo Google Baidu

5. Open Source

6. Mashups

7. Google

7.1. Google Site

7.2. Google doc.

7.3. Google Spreadsheet

7.4. Google Form

8. Blogger

8.1. Digital Portfolio

8.2. Reflection

8.3. Digital Story

8.4. Adventures

8.4.1. Interactive

9. Repository of Interactive Social Assets for Learning

9.1. Risal

9.2. Delicious

9.2.1. share popular sites with users

10. Protopage

10.1. Add Notes

10.2. RSS Feeds

10.2.1. Keep information updated

10.2.2. keep frequently used site systematically