Internet Tools and their Applications for Teacher Librarians

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Internet Tools and their Applications for Teacher Librarians por Mind Map: Internet Tools and their Applications for Teacher Librarians

1. Voicethread

2. RSS feeds and their applications

2.1. Protopage

2.2. Podcast

2.3. Gcast

3. About Web 2.0

4. Open Source

4.1. SourceForge

4.2. Mashups

5. Blogger

5.1. How to use

5.2. Display PPT Slides

5.2.1. Google Document

5.3. Share

6. Wiki Tools

6.1. Wikipedia

6.1.1. An encyclopedia developed by public

7. Social Bookmarking

7.1. RISAL

7.1.1. Tagging

7.1.2. Share of resources

7.1.3. Embeded in blog

7.1.4. Searching Techniques