Theoretical Perspective on Language Acquisition

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Theoretical Perspective on Language Acquisition by Mind Map: Theoretical Perspective on Language Acquisition

1. Behaviorist

1.1. Skinner

1.2. Nurture

1.3. Aspect of language knowledge syntactic

1.4. children learned through nurture

1.5. language is learned through imitations of others around them.

1.6. Imitative Speech

1.7. operant conditioning

2. Cognitive Development

2.1. Piaget

2.2. Nature

2.3. Aspect of language knowledge Semantic, Morphemic

2.4. Language is acquired as we mature

2.5. Infants only understand the environment around them through sensory experiences and activities.

2.6. Object permanence, schemata & preoperational.

3. Nativist

3.1. Chomsky

3.1.1. Task

3.1.2. Prerequisites

3.2. Nature

3.2.1. Task

3.2.2. Prerequisites

3.3. Aspect of language knowledge Syntactic

3.3.1. Task

3.3.2. Prerequisites

3.4. biologically designed to learn language

3.5. healthy infants are able to learn any language

3.6. Language acquisition device

3.7. Hypothesis testing

4. Interactionist

4.1. Vygotsky, Bruner, Halliday

4.2. Nurture

4.3. Aspect of language knowledge Pragmatic

4.4. Language is developed through social interactions

4.5. Active engagement in children provides motivation to develop language

4.6. Language acquisition support system

4.7. Zone of proximal development & developmental level