Applying Theoretical Perspective Curriculum Content
by cheryl rosser
1. Interactionist perspective Bruner (1983, 1990) focuses on the main role of sociocultural interaction in children's development of language. This theory claims that children learn from their attempts to communicate with the outside world around them.
2. Developmentalist follows the same perspective of Jean Piaget theories on cognitive development.
3. Behavorist perspectie is on nature and emphasizes the role of "nuture" and claims that learning to occur pertaining to stimuli, responses, and reinforcements that occur in the environment. This type of learning is the perspective of the Skinner Theory (1957) and is known as the operant conditioning.
4. Cognitive development is based the Jean Piaget perspective theory(1955) that language is taught as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop.
5. Nativist perspective emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilites, sucha s nature as be responsible for language development in infants, Chomsky theory.
6. Interactionist
7. In the past 50 years several linguistic and developmental psychologists have studied language development to obtain the knowledge of what we learn, when we learn it, and what vairables and factors are known to explain the process of language development from infants to early childhood.
8. Behavorist
9. Developmentalist
10. Cognitive
11. Nativist