1. Maths
1.1. Strand 5 Understanding shape
1.1.1. Recognise horizontal and vertical lines; describe and identify the position of a square on a grid of squares.
1.1.2. Coordinates Directing the Beebot around the map Making maps of our new school. Using logo to navigate a Beebot around the map
2. Literacy
2.1. Reflective writing/Recounts
2.1.1. Writing memoires of time in primary school
2.2. Strand 4 Drama
2.2.1. Identify and discuss qualities of others’ performances
2.3. Strand 9 Creating and shaping texts
2.3.1. Select and use a range of technical and descriptive vocabulary.
2.4. Strand 11 Sentence structure and punctuation;
2.4.1. Show relationships of time and reason
2.5. Audience and Purpose
2.5.1. Write out interview questions for a current year 7 child
3.1. Think about the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs.
3.2. Develop good relationships and respect differences between people; think about the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs
3.3. useful website:
4. Geography
4.1. Our local area
4.2. travel
4.3. transport
4.4. Architecture
4.5. Use atlases, globes, maps; plan at a range of scales (eg using contents, keys, grids).
5. Music
5.1. Opporuntities to play instruments in high school...
5.1.1. Visits from peripatetic and class music teachers.
5.1.2. Instruments in the orchestra
6. RE
6.1. Respecting other beliefs and cultures
6.2. Deciding your own beliefs
6.3. recognising denominations and traditions
7. Science
7.1. Health and wellbeing
7.1.1. 1b that humans grow 2f that humans produce offspring and these grow into adults Sc1 2b Use 1st hand experience to answer questions.
8. ICT
8.1. Data Logging
8.2. Be sensitive to the needs of the audience and think carefully about the content and quality when communicating information (eg work for presentation)
8.3. Design a Leavers' Booklet, "Goodbye Year 6"
9. Art
9.1. "Hello there" Postcards for children to take to secondary with them
10. Opportunities for WOW days
10.1. Year 7 induction day
10.1.1. Year 7 children come into carry out KS3 experiments