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Water by Mind Map: Water

1. Test

1.1. Anhydrous Copper Sulphate

1.1.1. White to Blue

1.1.2. Video

1.2. Cobalt Chloride Paper

1.2.1. Blue to Pink

1.2.2. Video

2. Pure Water

2.1. Distillation

3. Water Treatment - 5 Steps

3.1. 1. Screening

3.2. 2. Settling

3.3. 3. Filtration

3.4. 4. Chlorination

3.5. 5. Flouridation

4. Electrolysis

4.1. Water splits into Hydrogen + Oxygen using electricity

4.2. 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2

5. Water Cycle

5.1. Step 1

5.1.1. Evapouration - from sea

5.1.2. Transpiration - from plants

5.2. Step 2

5.2.1. Condensation - Clouds

5.3. Step 3

5.3.1. Precipitation - Rain

5.4. Step 4

5.4.1. Collection - Flows back to sea

6. Solvent

6.1. Excellent at dissolving solids

6.2. Even Dissolves gases

6.2.1. Oxygen - fish breathe

6.2.2. Sulphur Dioxide - Acid Rain

7. Hardness

7.1. Dissolved Compounds

7.1.1. e.g. Calcium

7.2. Removal

7.2.1. Boiling - Sometimes

7.2.2. Ion Exchanger

7.3. Tastes Nice but does not lather with soap => forms a scum

8. Softness

8.1. Forms a lather with soap

9. Test for Hard/Soft Water

9.1. use soap & shake for a scum/lather