iPad Training for Teachers in a Middle School
by Sheila Unwin
1. Learning Topics and Objectives
1.1. Solution creates opportunity to collaborate, learn, and competition to actually win an iPad
1.2. Assessment will be continuous through observations and collaboration. The final assessment will be in the lesson plans that come back from each of the 50 teachers.
1.3. Assessment will consist of engagement of students. At least one Common Core Standards should be addressed in each lesson.
1.4. Rubric
2. Environmental Context/Learning Conditions
2.1. Teachers who are without an iPad will work out a schedule to share with someone who has one until one can be provided full time.
2.2. Teachers will be prepared ahead of schedule.
2.3. The tech staff has time to test and evaluate the wifi while the teachers are using it, preparing for when students and teachers will both be using it.
3. Students/Trainees/Audience
3.1. Teachers are trained earlier than expected which gives them time to work on iPad lesson plans during the rest of the school year and be ready for the 2013 school year.
3.2. Teachers have support to assist them after the training.
3.3. Tech staff is being interview to prepare for the upcoming staffing needs.
4. Educational Challenge - http://venture-lab.org/education/reports/11075
4.1. Independent Middle School in Seattle, WA
4.2. Train 50 teachers to use an iPad effectively (basic use and pedagogy) in the classroom
4.3. School is moving to a 1:1 initiative by the 2013 school year
4.4. Teaching experience ranges from 1 year to 30 years
4.5. iPad experience ranges from none to expert
4.6. Not all teachers have access to iPads
4.7. Infrastructure is not yet in place for students and teachers to utilize all at once
4.8. School does have an iPad Lab
5. Proposed Solution
5.1. 1/2 day professional development (PD) training facilitated by staff, administration, and librarians on the basics and pedagogy of the iPad
5.1.1. Teachers will be expected to return to the next professional development day with 5 apps they found and lesson plans for each. They will be expected to teach at least one of the lessons for a group in the training. The top lesson plan (most engaging) voted on my staff will receive a free iPad Mini (grant to pay this).