Main Questions

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Main Questions by Mind Map: Main Questions

1. •How did the structures of Aboriginal societies affect decision making in each society 
(i.e., role and status of women, consensus building)?

2. •What were the social and economic factors of European imperialism?

3. •How was European imperialism responsible for the development of Acadia, New France and 
British settlements?

4. • What roles did the Royal Government and the Catholic Church play in the social structure of 
New France (i.e., governor, intendant, Jesuits, religious congregations)?

5. • Who were the key figures in the British exploration and settlement of North America?

6. The social structure of each society was affected by how important they think of something (e.g. the class of the women (if they considered the thoughts of women, it could affect the clan in a good or bad way).

7. The key figures in the British exploration and settlement of North America are: John Guy: A British merchant, he was the first to attempt to establish a permanent settlement on Newfoundland. John Cabot: an Italian explorer under the rule of Henry VII, discovered the fish-fill Newfoundland, create a huge fishing competition among European nations. Henry Hudson: A sea explorer, known for his discovery of Hudson Bay and other various locations within it, his crew mutinied and dropped him and his loyal, sick, and old mates onto a small boat and left them for dead. Trading posts were built near the southern coast of Hudson Bay. Walter Raleigh: An English writer, soldier, spy, and explorer, best known for increasing the popularity of tabacco in England, he was also the person who discovered potatoes for Britain, establish a colony in Virginia, and led a expedition to Guyana, South America. He discovered many things for the British. Henry Kelsey: A English trader, explorer, and sailor. He helped establish the Hudson's Bay Company and was the first european to visit SAskatchewan and maybe even Alberta. A British explorer, Anthony Henday was one of the first Europeans to explore the interior of the NorthWest (Yukon, Northwest Territories, etc). The reason of his exploration is because of the Hudson's Bay Company's concern of unauthorized trading of other western commanders. King Charles the 1st: The king of England from 1625 to 1649, the reason of his short reign is because of his English subject opposing and eventually executing him. His levitation of his taxes without good reason and horrible failure to aided the Protestant forces during the 30 Year War is one of the biggest reasons why he was not liked by many of his loyal subjects. He was succeeded by Charles the II. Henry VII: The King of England and Ireland, he defeated Richard III in a battle and as a result, took his throne. He was the last king of England to have won his throne in a fight. He restored the English monarchy's power after the WArs of the Roses. His dynasty lasted for almost 24 years, and was succeeded by his son.

8. Economics: Setting up colonies and collecting resource was one of the quickest ways for European countries to grow rich. They were also looking for furs in particular, since the beaver became extinct in Europe. Competition: All of the European colonies were always competing for land and resources to see which county would become the dominate empire of Europe, and maybe the world. If they could set up colonies, it would supply their home country, and the colonies allow the home country to set up outposts, their navy, and other military forces. Religion: Most religious countries want to spread their religion to the natives of the New World. If they wanted to succeeded, the missionaries needed to get to them before the others. Because it would be very hard to convert the Catholicism if you have already ben told about Christianity. Curiosity: The Europeans were curious about what was beyond their own land. New technologies improved their chance for survival and navigation when they entered the New World.

9. Governor: The king's representative, most powerful Sovereign Council member, responsible for the defences and relationships with other nations. Intendant: Second most powerful Sovereign Council member, worked with day-to-day affairs. Bishop: The 3rd most powerful Sovereign Council officer, takes care of the church, priest, and some politics. Jesuits, missionaries, nuns, etc: Set up religious services (baptism, churches), taught schools, control hospitals, and toke care of the poor in the French colonies.

10. European imperialism responsible for the development of Acadia, New France and 
British settlements by encouraging poor farmers and other people who needed a new start to settle in the New World, the kings would try to gain power by setting up colonies to collect resources and territory.

11. • What role did the British government play in the settlement of North America?

12. • What were the different ways in which Aboriginal societies were structured (i.e., Iroquois 
Confederacy, Ojibwa, Mi’kmaq)?

12.1. Iroquois Confederacy

12.2. Ojibwa

12.3. Blackfoot

12.4. Mi'Kmaq

13. •In what ways did European imperialism impact the social and economic structures of 
Aboriginal societies?

14. • Who were the key figures in the French exploration and settlement of North America?

15. The key figures in the French Exploration and settlement of North America are: Jacque Cartier: Born in Saint-Malo, France. While trying to find a water route to Asia, Jacque mistakenly discovers North America, which left a long lasting impression of them towards the Natives and made the discovery of the New World, he also collected a ton of data about the land of North America. Pierre Du Monts: Born in France, he set up a settlement called Acadia, located near the Bay Of Fundy, he established a settlement that welcomed many poor farmer who needed a second chance. Samuel De Champlain: A french map-maker and a skilled explorer, he helped Monts set up Acadia and was the one who found it, he build alliances with a few nations, traded with the Wendat, made the colony flourish, and is known as the Founder Of New France. King Louis XIV: Known as the Sun King, Louis XIV was the King of France from 1654 to 1715, he was such a powerful and forceful ruler that other European countries united against him. He established a very successful monarchy (Sovereign council), created a powerful army, and increased the power of France by a huge amount. Rene Robert Cavalier LaSalle: A French explorer, he explored the Great Lakes, the Mississippi, and the Gulf of Mexico, he claimed all of the Mississippi River for France and like Jacque, he thought the river would lead to Asia land, which didn't. We wouldn't know much of the land of southern, Canada, parts of the USA, and some USA rivers if he did have previously explored it. Pierre-Esprit Radisson: Born in Avignon, France. When he was about 15, he was kidnapped and raised by Mohawks. When he grew up and escaped from the Mohawks, he headed back home with over 100 canoes full of furs, but the furs were taken away from them since they did not have a traders license, they became infuriated and decide to work for the British. After talking with the British King, and he did a expedition that was supported by the king and worked for Hudson's Bay company.

16. European imperialism impact the social and economic structures of 
Aboriginal societies by setting up a bad relationship between most of the natives and Europeans, the Europeans would also try to take over their land, destroy some of there religious customs, and take over their resources.

17. The British government was responsible for being the first to attempt a permanent settlement in Canada and setting up trade for resources such as lumber and fish.