Smart Net Studio
by Tomas Diez
1. - Devices / Smart phones - Platform - Community - Apps - Visualization
2. Smart Citizen Workflow
3. Smart Citizen Platform
4. Smart Citizen Kit
5. GROUP 1 State of the art of projects in the web - Air Quality Egg - Ninja Blocks - Twine - Sensor Drone - Internet of Things Communities - Sense makers - Cosm - Open Sense - Paraimpu
5.1. Air Quality Egg
5.2. Ninja Blocks
5.3. Twine
5.4. Sensordrone
5.5. Open Sense
6. GROUP 2 Features and characteristics of Smart Citizen - Standards (communications, sensors, code, etc) - Infrastructure (communication, installation, etc) - Legal issues (data ownership, device property, etc) - Privacy issues - Business and sustainability models - Collaboration
7. GROUP 3 Features to enhance capabilities of the project - API - Hardware development kit - Software development kit