Taking Smartek To The Next Level

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Taking Smartek To The Next Level by Mind Map: Taking Smartek To The Next Level

1. Sustainable Product Organization

1.1. Sustainable Funding Model

1.2. Fungible Manpower

1.2.1. Trainings

1.2.2. Hire Full Stack / Learnability

1.3. Product Discovery

1.3.1. Create Partner Ecosystem

1.4. Product Validations

1.4.1. Thin Slicing

1.4.2. Run Experiments

1.5. Accelerate Time To Value

1.5.1. Decrease Onboarding Time

1.5.2. Automate / Templatize

1.5.3. Self Service Model Inline Training

1.6. (Prashant): Product Artifacts

1.6.1. (Prashant): Participate in Product Forums

1.6.2. (Prashant): Webinars

1.6.3. (Prashant): Press Releases

2. Healthy Sales

2.1. Create Focus

2.1.1. Define Target Segments

2.1.2. Referencible Customers

2.1.3. Case Studies

2.2. Build Mouth of Sales Funnel

2.2.1. Research Prospects

2.2.2. Try and Buy

2.3. Create Sales Collateral

2.3.1. Presentations on Value Proposition

2.3.2. Demos and Working Prototypes

2.3.3. Battle Cards on Competitors

2.3.4. Create Product / Process Knowledge Base

2.3.5. Sales Playbook

2.4. Accelerate Time To Value

2.5. Create Qualification Framework

2.5.1. Expected Value

2.5.2. Aligned With Product Strategy

2.5.3. Prioritization

3. One Team

3.1. Seamless Collaboration

3.1.1. Collective Decisionmaking

3.1.2. Continuous Communication

3.1.3. Information Visibility & Sef-Servicability

3.1.4. Feedback Loops

3.2. Enable People

3.3. Keep Each Other Accountable

3.3.1. Responsibility Matrix

3.3.2. Trust & Empowerment

4. Organizational Alignment

4.1. Vision

4.2. (Prashant): Strategy

4.3. Product Roadmap

4.4. OKRs

4.5. Organize Around Outcomes

4.6. Objective Measurement

4.7. (Prashant): Dog Fooding

5. Misc

5.1. Medium Priority

5.2. Action Point 2

5.2.1. High Priority

5.3. Low Priority

5.4. Help

5.5. (Prashant): Business Mode???

6. Plan

6.1. Organizational Alignment

6.2. Healthy Sales

6.3. Sustainable Product Organization

6.4. One Team

6.5. Address Root Causes

7. Address Root Causes

7.1. Constant Communication

7.2. Make Work Visible

7.3. Scale by making things Self-servicable

7.4. (Prashant): Lead by Example (Company Level Updates)

8. Generate Ideas

8.1. Creative

8.2. Intuititive

8.3. Organized

8.4. Cautious

8.5. Optimistic

8.6. (Prashant): Incentivize