The Muscles

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The Muscles by Mind Map: The Muscles

1. origin & insertion- lateralis, medialis, superiorioris

2. direction of fibers- rectus, oblique, transversus

3. size- maximus, minimus

3.1. shape- deltoid, trapezius

3.1.1. action- flexor, extensor

4. 650 muscles in the human body

5. muscles comprise almost 40% of total body

6. muscles named based on location & postition

7. Parts of a muscle

7.1. Origin- does not move; the end of a muscle attached to a dormant bone

7.2. insertion- end of a muscle attached to a bone that moves during contraction

7.3. gaster-thick, middle portion of a muscle

7.4. tendons- muscles attached to bones by cords of connective tissue

7.4.1. aponeuroses- thin sheet-like tendons

8. Muscle Cooperation

8.1. agonist- muscle group that acts most directly and most powerfully during a given movement

8.2. antagonist- muscle within a group that defies action of anatagonist

8.3. synergists- assistants to the antagonist (necessary for smooth efficient movemen)

9. Facts