This map's objective is to give an overview of what is happening in the mobile for development domain, to give links to sources, projects and applications and to enable interested people to update it online.

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1. BungeSMS

2. Business / Trade

2.1. SocialTxt

2.1.1. open source messaging tool

2.2. Small Farmer's Access to Market Info Systems/Manobi

2.2.1. providing basic services to low-density rural areas

2.3. Manobi

2.3.1. operator of mobile and internet services (geolocalization)

2.4. Mobile Marketplace / Liberia

2.4.1. Buiness matching

2.5. Google Trader / Uganda

2.5.1. Buiness matching

3. Agriculture

3.1. Farm Africa

3.1.1. support livestock health

3.2. Trade at Hand - Market Prices

3.2.1. market price/transparency

3.3. TradeNet

3.3.1. market information

3.4. KACE

3.4.1. market/price information

4. Pollitics

4.1. Mobile Phone for Social Justice/Fahamu -- they are not currently involved in mobile projects (KV)

4.1.1. strengthen human rights, violence and land rights, support other organizations and monitor election

4.2. ICT4D/Protégé

4.2.1. provide capacity building on use of SMS for grassroots networks

4.3. Monitoring and Reporting on Child Rights Violations/Ajedi-Ka -- this was long ago -- no longer active (KV)

4.3.1. child rights

4.4. Gender & ICT Policy Advocacy/Wougnet

4.4.1. women rights and against domenstic violence

4.5. children/Manobi foundation

4.5.1. protecting the rights of children

4.6. community/Manobi

4.6.1. Improving access to basic services and capacity building

4.7. Kenya,Congo,South Africa/Ushahidi

4.7.1. monitor violence and election

5. Health

5.1. Mobile4Good

5.1.1. provide vital health, employment and community content

5.2. Pesinet

5.2.1. medical prevention service for children

5.3. AED-satellife and Netmark

5.3.1. improve healthcare workers'access to information

5.4. Rescuer

5.4.1. monitor and refer pregnant women

5.5. Conservation Through Public Health/Kiwanja

5.5.1. gorilla conservation and public health

5.6. Cellphones4HIV

5.7. FrontlineSMS:Medic

5.7.1. 2-way text messaging using only a laptop, a GSM modem, and mobiles Malawi Nicaragua

5.8. RapidResponse

5.8.1. RapidSMS (UNICEF)

6. Education

6.1. MobileED

7. Journalism

7.1. Voices of Africa

7.1.1. open media site where anyone can report on Africa

7.2. Allvoices.com

7.2.1. open media site where anyone can report from anywhere

8. Organizations

8.1. MobileActive

8.1.1. help NGO to use mobile phones in their work

8.2. Kiwanja

8.2.1. Mass SMS tools for NGOs

8.3. Cell-life

8.3.1. provide HIV info and get feedback

8.4. Kubatana

8.4.1. improve NGOs ability to access information

8.5. Tactical Technology collective

8.5.1. help human rights workers use infor

8.6. groots

8.6.1. women's property and land rights

9. Specialized communities

9.1. Open Mobile Consortium (OMC)

9.2. W3C Mobile Web for Development Interest group (MW4D)

9.3. Discussion groups

9.3.1. DGroup

10. Finance

10.1. m-banking

10.1.1. MBNA Launches New Text Banking Service

10.2. m-remittance

10.2.1. technologies wizzit fundamo

10.2.2. services m-Pesa money transfer in Kenya DoCoMo remittance servie Concern Kenya money transfer

10.3. m-credit

10.3.1. creditSMS

10.4. Resource: GSMA dedicated page

11. Sources:

11.1. Mobiles for development (Plan.fi)

12. m App development

12.1. Eprom

12.1.1. mobile academic research, teaching mobile phone programming

13. Special needs

13.1. SMS info servicefor disabled people

14. m-Government

15. Jobs

15.1. Souktel, Palestine (video link)

15.2. Babajobs (India)

16. New node