Ashley's Lifespan Map

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Ashley's Lifespan Map por Mind Map: Ashley's Lifespan Map

1. Preschool Period

1.1. Physical: In this stage kids become more skilled and efficient in everyday tasks and also in their play. This is because their fine motor and gross motor skills are developing very fast.

1.1.1. I was toilet trained and figured out I was right handed.

1.2. Cognitive: In this stage children are very egocentric with the world around them and how they interact with others. With this their speech patterns are also increasingly developing.

1.2.1. Began using and writing a lot more words and figuring out what words mean.

1.3. Social-Emotional: In this stage kids are developing gender identity. They are also forming their sense of self and working on their self-concept.

1.3.1. I remember playing house a lot with my girl friends.

2. Infancy and Toddlerhood

2.1. Physical: Nerve cells form before birth, their interconnections multiply rapidly after birth. Babies begin to show great strides by holding up their heads, sitting up, and then crawling.

2.1.1. I crawled at 6 months and at 11 months I ran not walked.

2.2. Cognitive: In this stage children are developing the skills to explore the world around them and experiences. They learn about object permanence and children progress from the simplicity of the sensorimotor stage in the first two years to more complex stages of thinking.

2.2.1. At 14 months I spoke my first word, "mommy"

2.3. Social-Emotional: Infants in this stage become attached to their mothers and fathers. This is because the mother and father care for their biological needs and also the child is comfortable, familiar, and responsive with the parents.

2.3.1. I was very attached to my mother, I hated going to the nursery for church, but was also comforted when i saw a family member.

3. Prenatal and Newborn

3.1. Physical: Newborns are born with sensory equipment and innate reflexes that they have been practicing for a long time in the womb.

3.1.1. Laying me down and watching me experience the startle reflex.

3.2. Cognitive: Newborns strengthen or weaken their voluntary responses depending on negative or positive consequences that it comes in contact with.

3.2.1. A secure attachment was established with my mother; when i cried she was there to comfort me.

3.3. Social-Emotional: From the moment babies are born they can respond in some way to people, and can even distinguish between different people by basic facial features and the sound of their voice.

3.3.1. I would smile and react to my mother and father playing with me.

4. Middle Childhood

4.1. Physical: In this stage growth slows but it still maintains a steady rate. A problem that can arise in this stage it obesity in children, this can cause problems later in life.

4.1.1. I learned how to ride a bike in my driveway at this age.

4.2. Cognitive: In this stage children are trying to learn how to not think only about themselves and having everything centered around them. A concept they are learning about in this stage is conservation.

4.2.1. I remember having arguments with my sister because I thought she had more then me when really it was the same it just looked different.

4.3. Social-Emotional: In this stage kids begin to face moral decision making. They begin to understand their own identity and focus on making friendships and this is slightly based on gender.

4.3.1. I remember making a decision not to climb the fence because I knew that it was wrong and we would get in trouble, and they did.

5. Adolescence

5.1. Physical: In this stage of development changes are happening inside the body called puberty. Both males and females go through different bodily changes in this stage.

5.1.1. I remember when i started my period when I was camping and it was awful.

5.2. Cognitive: In this stage the concept of ego-centrism is a major development. With this children believe that everyone is look at them. Their verbal and mathematical skills are also developing.

5.2.1. I remember when I would get a zit and I would beg my mine to let me stay home from school because i felt like everyone was staring at it.

5.3. Social-Emotional: In this stage children want autonomy so they tend to argue more with their parents. They also developing their identity and peer pressure is a huge factor in their lives.

5.3.1. Peer pressure was hard, but at that point in my life I was a good little christian girl and I knew right from wrong at an early age.

6. Middle adulthood

6.1. Cognitive: In this stage life experiences help to determine problem solving solutions. Sensory and short term memory declines in this stage. Also the retrieval of memory slows.

6.1.1. At this age I want to be able to review my experiences that can help me and not let them waste away.

6.2. Physical: In this stage in age senses, height and reaction time decreases as well as an increase in health problems or risks. For women they experience menopause.

6.2.1. At this age I plan to keep exercising and eating right so i don't have a huge risk of health problems.

6.3. Social-Emotional:In this stage people begin to think about making a contribution to their community and future generations. Some go through a "mid-life crisis" but others are satisfied with their life and what they have achieved thus far and accept the idea that they will eventually die.

6.3.1. I am hoping I don't go through a "mid-life crisis" and that I am satisfied with what I have done.

7. Late Adulthood

7.1. Physical: In this stage internal organs become weaker. The spin shrinks and people become shorter. Senses weaken. Osteoporosis is a high risk for women at this age along with other chronic diseases.

7.1.1. In my family there are a lot of back issues so I know that there will be that. Also I know I will have a lot of joint pain because I am a cheerleader and have been for 8 years and that is a lot of pressure on my joints at a young age.

7.2. Cognitive: In this stage people experience intellectual abilities declining. There is short term memory loss. People in this age need to continuously use their brain to its full potential as exercise.

7.2.1. I want to be able to use my brain a lot at this age, maybe keep reading books and other material to keep learning new things.

7.3. Social-Emotional: In this stage if people can maintain a healthy life style then they have a feeling of satisfaction in their life. Retirement is a popular event at this age. They also become closer to family and friends to cope with the inevitable, death.

7.3.1. I am already very excited to retire so that I can do stuff that I enjoy instead of working all the time.

8. Death and Dying

8.1. Physical: There are two types of dying, brain and functions. Function death is when the heartbeat and breathing do not exist. Brain is when there is no brain activity.

8.1.1. I want to be able to leave this world pain free and peacefully in my sleep.

8.2. Cognitive: There are 5 steps in the dying process that people go through according to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, these are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

8.2.1. I don't think I will be anger or depressed when I die, I know what my outcome will be being a christian.

8.3. Social-Emotional: The main thing in this stage is the grieving period. There are three parts, the first one is shock of the death, the next is realizing the fact of the death, and the last one is acceptance and moving on.

8.3.1. I don't want my family to be sad or depressed when I die, grieving will happen but I want then to remember that I am in a better place.

9. Early Adulthood

9.1. Physical: At this stage abilities peak and growth maintains a steady pace. One starts to take care of their body with exercise and diets.

9.1.1. I am only 19 but I exerciser at least three times a week with my trainer.

9.2. Cognitive:Life experiences help better and shape problem solving skills. Knowledge is used in other aspects of life besides school.

9.2.1. My problem solving skill have increase and i feel like I can apply so much

9.3. Social-Emotional:In this stage friends and intimate partners become strong and become a serious aspect in development. The kind of attachment from infancy determines relationship types.

9.3.1. I have a boyfriend of 2 years at this point in my life and who knows what is held for the two of us in the future.