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GlobalNatives.Club создатель Mind Map: GlobalNatives.Club

1. parents' profession

1.1. academic

1.2. science

1.3. business

1.4. artisan

1.5. employment

1.6. partnership

2. culture

2.1. arts

2.1.1. photography

2.1.2. painting

2.1.3. crafts

2.1.4. dance & ballet

2.1.5. theatre

2.2. philosophy

2.2.1. values & standards

2.2.2. religion

2.2.3. humanitarian issues

2.2.4. life style

2.3. literature

2.4. music

2.4.1. jazz

2.4.2. classic

2.4.3. R & B

2.4.4. folklore

3. health

3.1. medicine

3.2. healthy living

3.3. alternative medicine

3.4. special needs

4. family / status

4.1. single parent

4.2. patchwork family

4.3. adopted & foster children

4.4. grandparents

4.5. siblings / numbers

5. kindred spirits ! or mindbogglers ?

5.1. Free Range Kids

5.2. Slow Planet

6. move !

6.1. travel to see the world

6.2. travel to study and broaden the mind

6.3. travel, simply for holiday

6.4. young travel - the backpackers

6.5. travel to meet each other and establish genuine relationships

6.5.1. use holidays to prepare for the kids' future trips

7. children

7.1. age group

7.2. gender

7.3. hobbies & interests

7.4. language: goals and talents

7.5. wishes and hopes for the future

7.6. peer group identification

7.7. special abilities & talents

7.8. artistic talent

7.8.1. writing

7.8.2. painting and drawing

7.8.3. sculpture

7.9. music

7.9.1. playing an instrument

7.9.2. singing in a choir or band

7.9.3. dance

7.10. twins / triplets / large families

7.11. learning problems and disorders

7.11.1. dyslexia

7.11.2. ADHD

7.12. coping & solving

7.12.1. handicaps trisomy, autism, paraplegia ...

7.12.2. alcohol & drugs

7.12.3. sex & pregnancy teenage pregancies abortions homosexuality

7.12.4. health deficits

8. sports & adventure

8.1. outdoor activities

8.2. teams & clubs

8.3. competitions

8.4. football / soccer

8.5. golf

8.6. athletics

8.7. water sports

8.8. winter sports

8.9. sports as a professional goal

9. interests

9.1. special interests

9.2. political interest

9.3. collectors

9.4. hobbies

9.5. culinary aspects

10. organizations & institutions

10.1. NGOs

10.1.1. Intern. Red Cross

10.1.2. Medicins sans Frontieres

10.1.3. Greenpeace

10.1.4. Oxfam

10.1.5. Care International

10.1.6. Amnesty International

10.1.7. Compassion

10.2. universities

10.2.1. alumni org.

10.2.2. intern. scientific organizations

10.3. associations & societies

10.4. social networks

10.4.1. Facebook

10.4.2. Xing

10.4.3. LinkedIn

11. education

11.1. Kindergarten

11.2. primary & secondary schools

11.3. academic life

11.4. private & public

11.5. special schools

11.5.1. Montessori

11.5.2. Waldorf / Steiner

11.6. special needs / handicaps