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Femoral Nerve by Mind Map: Femoral Nerve

1. Sensory supply

1.1. Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh

1.1.1. Supply skin on medial side of lower2/3 thigh

1.2. Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh

1.2.1. Supply front of thigh

1.3. Saphenous nerve

1.3.1. Supply medial side of leg

2. Reference:

3. Nerve root L2-L4

4. Reference:

5. Motor Supply

5.1. Iliacus

5.1.1. Hip flexion

5.2. pectineus

5.2.1. Hip flexion, adduction, medial rotation

5.3. Sartorius

5.3.1. Hip flexion, adduction, Lateral rotation, knee flexion

5.4. Rectus femoris

5.4.1. Hip flexion, knee ext.

5.5. Vastus medialis

5.5.1. Knee ext., contributes to correct tracking of the patella.

5.6. Vastus intermedius

5.6.1. knee ext.

5.7. Vastus Lateralis

5.7.1. largest and most powerful part of the quadriceps femoris,

5.7.2. knee ext., stabilize knee