Customer Relationship Management

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Customer Relationship Management создатель Mind Map: Customer Relationship Management

1. Software Relevance

1.1. Ensures solving problems

1.2. Helps to build relationship with customers

1.3. Provides easy & cost effective solutions

1.4. Helps salespersons to keep prepared

1.5. Generates needed reports for product development

1.6. Tracking customer & vendor information

2. Reports

2.1. Rows & Columns

2.1.1. Selected display fields

2.2. Summation

2.2.1. Computed data

2.3. Summation with Details

2.3.1. Additional data

2.4. Matrix

2.4.1. Results

2.5. Pipeline

2.5.1. Total amount

3. Motivations

3.1. Improve customer satisfaction

3.2. Good overview of customers & vendors

3.3. Creating customer relationships

3.4. Better business results

4. What?

4.1. Managing company's interaction

4.1.1. Customers

4.1.2. Clients

4.1.3. Sales prospects

4.2. Technology

4.2.1. Organize

4.2.2. Automate

4.2.3. Synchronize

4.3. Goals

4.3.1. Find, attract & win new clients

4.3.2. Reduce costs

5. Success factors

5.1. Establish measurable business goals

5.2. Align business & IT operations

5.3. Get executive support up front

6. SugarCRM

6.1. Main functionalities Sales Page

6.1.1. Opportunities

6.1.2. Pipeline

6.1.3. Forecasting

6.1.4. Support

6.2. Main functionalities Marketing Page

6.2.1. Campaigns

6.2.2. Projects

6.2.3. Leads

6.2.4. Emails