Technology Trends

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Technology Trends por Mind Map: Technology Trends

1. "Big Data" / Data Analytics

2. Gamification?

3. Social Sharing

3.1. Facebook's acquisition of Instagram

4. Social Commerce

4.1. Facebook Gift Store

4.2. Amazon gifts

5. Socio-political?

5.1. Patent Wars


6. Payment Devices

6.1. Apple investing in AuthenTec mobile payment

6.2. Verifone Mobile Payment

6.3. Wallaby Universal Payment Card

6.4. Square

7. OS

7.1. Windows 8 Adoption in small businesses

7.2. iPad Mini use in cars

7.3. PhoneGap open source platform (IBM)

8. Sensor-based

8.1. Nest Thermostat

9. Ambient/Ubiquitous Tech

9.1. Cognitive Computing

9.1.1. IBM Watson

9.1.2. Future Cognitive Innovations (IBM)

9.2. Driverless Car

10. Augmented Reality

10.1. Google Glasses

11. Interaction

11.1. Touchless

11.1.1. Voice Siri

11.1.2. Gesture Microsoft Kinect experiments

11.2. Touch Control

11.2.1. Atmel XSense Touch Sensors

11.2.2. Gloved Keyboard

11.2.3. Touche - Touch/Gesture Sensor

11.3. Wearable Computers

11.3.1. Flowgistics - iOS Wearable

12. Cloud Technology

13. Cheaper Devices

13.1. Tablets

13.1.1. ACER $99 Tablet

13.2. 3D Printers

13.3. ASUS and ACER stop producing netbooks

14. Displays

14.1. WiiU - controller as a display device

15. Free Content

15.1. Investing in Smart TVs

15.2. Ouya - hackable, android-based gaming console

16. 2012 Summaries

16.1. Engadget

16.2. Gartner

16.3. Fast Company

17. Manufacturing

17.1. Foxconn looking into robots

18. Inductive Charging

19. vehicle technologies

19.1. Ford and GM are opening to third-party developers

19.2. Ford put up an app store

20. Интерактивные решния